Fri 14 Dec, 2007 09:03 am
You may have seen elsewhere her intention to leave today, as the pain of membership is too high. It was Shewolf's comments about innocent women being condemned as 'witches' brought to mind Salem '07.
I ask all those without sin, cast the first stone
..(not you Kicky, put that rock down) Join the brave Montana and extend the hand of friendship to a fallen angel at this festive time of year!
What say you all?
Well (apart from Drew; snug in those Silicon Hills) the first seven viewers couldn't find in their hearts to do so; give my regards to Beelsebub when you see him!
Happy Holidays and may all be kind and forgiving :-)
Tryagain, the A2K Don Quichote, wrote:Can you love TTH just a little bit?
Well, ok, but then just a little bit, I have so many people to love already....
That's right, we've gotta spread the love
Little sprinkle here, a little sprinkle there :-D
May I join you all from my humble place of abode and throw the hand of friendship across the Ocean at this special time of the year. TTH there are people here that believe in you, don't throw in the towel.
I love everybody in this forum.
I can't believe you did this.
Uh, try you might want to take a look at your thread. I have been busy decorating since you couldn't see the link I posted of that Christmas card
I know who you are, and I don't see anyone from the Amish side of the A2K family coming to rejoice!
Which reminds me of the old joke:
What's the difference between A2K and the Mafia?
Nothing - They are both family.
Be scared, my dear sinners, be very scared...don't force me to post the full lyrics to Macarthur Park.
Re: Can you love TTH just a little bit?
Tryagain wrote:You may have seen elsewhere her intention to leave today, as the pain of membership is too high. It was Shewolf's comments about innocent women being condemned as 'witches' brought to mind Salem '07.
Glad to have you onside Wolfie
Im sorry, but I am lost as to the point of the thread? And why my post started it??
whats going on?
That's an ancient post - couldn't be that one.
What the heck are you talking about, Tryagain?
I don't want to speak for Tryagain, but i'm pretty sure he used your post just to send a message about condemning, shewolf and not about you posting it.
It's nothing bad towards you ;-)
I didnt think he did.
Im just... COMPLETELY lost
( as usual


Doesn't take much for me to get lost, so don't feel bad.
I know the message Tryagain tried to send out with your post, but I'll let him explain it since it's his thread, and hell, with my luck, I'll end up being all wrong
Sorry for any confusion Wolfie. These words of yours changed a list of names into real people and their suffering, continues to this day in one form or another
"As for innocent people? Yes, there were many people who didn't practice witch craft who were burned, ripped apart, drowned, raped, shot etc.
Back then, to be a witch, all it took was someone to say they believed you passed a curse to them.. then you were a witch and if you DIDNT survive certain tortures you were considered 'innocent' then you received a prayer.. Pretty sad I think."
Aren't we losing sight of the purpose of this thread?