Tue 11 Dec, 2007 04:42 pm
Had to read up on all the Canadian tax laws and after lots and lots of reading, I finally get it.
I was snagged on the GST/HST because we didn't have that in the US where I had my previous businesses and I'm happy as a pig in, you know :-D
Sooooooo many laws/rules, soooooooo little time!!!!
The simplified form reads like:
How Much Did You Make?
Send it in!

I wish it were that simple.
I thought folks went to the great white north to avoid excessive guvment...
(scratching stone head)
Thing is that the tax laws are different here, then they are in the US, so I had to go and study the whole thing.
<bangs head against wall>
The business laws are also different, so there was another session of banging head against the wall.
Then, who would have known cameras were so complicated. I use to know my way around cameras, but the world went by and I missed some of it
I know a guy that builds a real nice padded wall......
That's great. Have you got his #?
I need a nap. all this head bangin is exausting