I trust everyone on this site but Calamity Jane. One night she seduced me and took me home for a night of steamy monkey sex, and when I woke up the next morning my wallet was gone.
Ungrateful, jerk!
She left you a banana!
How would you know? Oh yeah, I remember, it was a threesome that night, wasn't it...good god woman, you were like a jackhammer...
Hope the neighbors didn't hear me!
kickycan wrote:I trust everyone on this site but Calamity Jane. One night she seduced me and took me home for a night of steamy monkey sex, and when I woke up the next morning my wallet was gone.
Yeah, like you had one to begin with!
Plus, you were not heir to the DuPont family like you told me so

The only thing DuPont was the label on your carpet.
Or better yet, to learn something about somebody, just sit back...keep your mouth shut and listen. Err, or in this case read.........
IMO, all you have to do to learn about Craven is go and read posts from the past, that tells alot about a person. Take Kicky for example, we all know from reading his posts that he's got an obsession with all things cat, kitty litter, cat hair....cat dander, so add all that up and he's got an obsession with pussy..........cats.
Yes, MMS, but could we trust him with a pussy....cat?
Looking back, I can see where I could have worded my question different. I apologize for the confusion but, I will not apologize for the question. This is what was on my mind when I posted the original question on this thread.
Maybe if this thread listed above didn't get so off topic, then I would have worded my original question on this thread differently.
Hopefully, that will clear up some misconceptions.
it does clear up any benefits of the doubt you might have been given.
you had your questions answered there, within the first five posts, along with a link to a thread about donations. what more do you want?
How ya'll will have to change your tune when TTH stuffs a grand into the kitty. Although as a pet lover; I hope it is a baby grand, and the cats' musical.
How can we trust someone who makes a living playing poker?
BBB :wink: :wink: :wink:
dagmaraka wrote:He doesn't any more.
I just read about that after I posted here.
I trust no one.
You're all a bunch of poopity heads.
Bella Dea wrote:I trust no one.
You're all a bunch of poopity heads.
only a select few are designated poopity heads.
With all the mistrust evidently polluting A2K, I think it's time for some virtual "trust falls."
I'm asking a brave soul among you to stand on this table--preferably a woman, wearing a skirt--and fall backwards into my arms.
I will catch you. You can trust me. Even though I'm a bit drunk this morning.