Fri 7 Dec, 2007 09:50 pm
My canon i9900 died this week (when I needed it most!). The error said to check the print head and keep trying to print. I took out each ink cartridge and replaced it to no avail. I took out the seat and dabbed at the connection points to remove ink, but that didn't help. I rebooted. nada. I looked online for somewhere to bring it to fix it/replace the printer head. I found some send-away sites and some office-visit companies, but they all would cost a fortune. Are there any chains you all know of that I can bring it to - like a staples? Any Bostonians know of a good tech repair shop? Is it so likely to be a printerhead problem that I could just try to fix it myself?
Lil'K I'm a HP guy, and I don't know how fancy your printer is. I have replaced heads on a machine once. I ordered and waited. It was a pain. (caused by refilling my own cartridges

Someone who knows something is probably posting as I ramble...
New printers....$79.....
Printers are so cheap these days that they are often not worth repairing.
Try installing a new ink cartrige. I mean new new not refilled.
Check prices for new printers.
The canon i9900 is a high-grade photo printer. Not a cheap replacement.
Print heads were ordered online from the manufacturer for my $$$$ Hp...took 2-3 days, and I put them in myself. Never used but their ink again...
Yikes, it's $70+ for a replacement head.....
littlek wrote:Yikes, it's $70+ for a replacement head.....
How much is the printer? Is it out of warranty?
Cost: hundreds of dollars. It's listed at $460 on one web site. But, it was a gift and I know it was bought at a discounted rate. Probably still close to $300. I'm not sure about the warranty, but I doubt it. It is about 2 years old.
dagmaraka wrote:lemme at it!
Scary! (squints eyes up) What will you try?
Lil'K, you been skimpin on ink, or does it maybe have problems not worth chasing.
(I fix cars, so if someone knowledgeable comes along, I'll just wander away)
Rockhead wrote:Lil'K, you been skimpin on ink, or does it maybe have problems not worth chasing.
(I fix cars, so if someone knowledgeable comes along, I'll just wander away)
I haven't been skimping on ink. I use theirs. I have no reason to believe that this is a bigger problem. Though I wouldn't know how to prove that it is the print head without replacing it and testing it.
Your advice is just as valuable as anyone else's, rockhead.
I'ts been a couple three years, and I was printing catalogs 24-7 and sleepin in the office, but....
Do you have any factoty warranty, and if not, beware. You will possibly replace all three heads before you are done.
Christmas is the time for Electronics sales. Might be a good time to research printers...
I know when I am not the smartest guy in the room, a geek will come along shortly......(checks watch)
Can you recreate the original error message Lilk? post it here.
I'm no expert either.
I can recreate and post, but not until tomorrow. Thanks. I'll be abck then......
littlek wrote:dagmaraka wrote:lemme at it!
Scary! (squints eyes up) What will you try?
dunno yet. lemme at it and i'll think something up!
Here dag. This might be usefull
And you'll probably ned one of these.
WWCHD? (What would Chuck Norris do?
The blue one. I'm gonna cut the blue one. Littlek is fast asleep.
(littlek eyes her printer suspiciously)
dagmaraka wrote:WWCHD? (What would Chuck Norris do?
Roundhouse kick to the print heads.