Fri 23 Nov, 2007 05:37 am
can anyone help me with answers to 12d elongated weather map low and 134a tricky question thanks heaps maizey
Hi Maizey
My entry has gone in but from memory,
12d = trough
134a = thorny
Someone will probably verify.
Good Luck.
Hi Maizey & Dutchy,
I photo copy mine and have the same answers as Dutchy.
Good luck in the draw!
Hi vernamae.
Thank you for verifying, I usually photo-copy mine too, but couldn't find my copies this morning. How have you been doing off late?
Regards Dutchy.
Hi Dutchy,
Thanks Dutchy. Had a rough time there for awhile but am starting to pull myself together. My grandson has been a real rock. Took part in the "Relay for Life" in the Tweed area. Was very wet but a lot of fun. After walking for some 8 to 9 hours I got a good sleep!
Hi Vernamae
Very pleased to hear that, particularly having that family support, which is so important at times like these. Walking for 8 or 9 hours, wish I could do that, I would need a gopher for that. LOL
Have a great weekend,