Thu 22 Nov, 2007 03:22 pm
Ok, I need an MP3 player. However, in an age of endless electronic options, I find myself lost and wihout what i need. Ipods seem to be out of the question for me. I borrowed a friends ipod for like 2 weeks to use in my car with the new deck that was installed (which has usb/ipod compatability). After installing itunes and all of that, i tried to import my music into the itunes library. What i found was a bunch of scrambled ass music after importing, and to add to the stupidity, not all of my music had been imported. So basically, itunes is a lame program, and ipods are lame because they reformat your music folders for you, which i hate. So what i need as a solid mp3/wma player at or over 80gb, that will not "autosync" or shuffle or move or rename or do anything to my music folders. If i want folders with subfolders in them, then i want them to stay the same way. Does anyone know what im talking about, and if so where i might find what im looking for? Thanks all
Re: MP3 Frustration/ Ipod
zakqb13 wrote: . . . where i might find what im looking for? Thanks all
Probably not in the S&R forum.
IPod does not support WMA. If you are trying to import these, you would have to convert themf first.
Itunes does not do what you are saying it does unless you don't have options set properly.
I am not a great fan of ITunes, but you are making an arbitray accusation that is unfounded. Namely that it is a stupid, lame program.
The fact that you don't know how to use it does not make the program lame.
Right. When you install itunes, there is a big box that pops up on the screen, asking if you want itunes to automatically organize your music for you. All you had to do was click "no," and it wouldn't have been scrambled. It's pretty easy to use. As we speak, I'm transferring all my girlfriend's cd's on to her Ipod.
But either way, check out They have different kinds of mp3 players.
Thank you guys for your help, it is much appreciated. I will first look further into using itunes, for i don't want to make uneducatd conclusions. I will also look into other places such as best buy. thanx again