squinney wrote:To: Mame and Sglass
(I got three so we'll match for the meet-up)

I love the dress. When were you at Hilo Hatties:
My present to you girls are going to be hand made lahala slippers. I won lessons at a silent auction before I left the Big Island, not only lessons, but lunch at the Hilooooooo Yatch Club.
Hugs & Kisses
I'm'a give all you ladies a brand new baby.
For dlowan...
I'm not sure what it's about exactly, but seems to be about bunnies...Made me think of you.
To Gracie:
my beagle hates bush too. Good dog.
To: Ticomaya and Joefromchicago
Wow!!!!!! You are most kind!!!
I now believe in wabbits.
squinney wrote:I now believe in wabbits.

Smarter dan the average god....
To: Freeduck Family
I had Boomer take this family portrait... Don't ask how she got your bathroom.
dlowan, I'm so glad you liked it!
mmmmm, Jordan...
and Alexander Valley, which I love. With some sticktoitiveness I'll get my scanner attached, and then I'll have some Alexander Valley photos for Bear. I know photos are internet available, but they're from a happy drive by me, so good karma.
That's beutiful, Caribou. Sad in a way; I knew Pacco when that smile was his usual expression.
I'll give each and everyone of you the gift of time!
To: Osso
From: Gustav
There is no limit to how much money we can spend, is there? This cost me a bit since it is an original, but I knew how much Osso would like it, so I figured, what the hell.