I am going to give you a little preview of those three capybaras you wanted me to train for you. They are coming along nicely in the "gentlemen skills" you requested.
Joe(I am having trouble getting them to sing in tune.)Nation
To:Joe Nation
From: Gustav Ratzenhofer
I just thought this would be something Joe would like. (I am capable of being thoughtful at times.)
Rats! I do not have a single shelrep or mortrep.
Joe(not a one)Nation
Joe Nation wrote:Eva wrote:Wow, thanks!
(What happens if I plant more than one? Can't I just pass on some of the cash to my friends? :wink: )
Uh... this is like a fairy tale, dig? What happens in every fairy tale, every myth, every night-night story when the good little girl, or in this case, you, doesn't do exactly what the fairy godfather says? (Wait a minute, that makes me.... .) Let's just say - not good things. Something you would never expect to grow on trees would suddenly start growing on trees. In your case....
Hundreds of Grumpy Old Men, All of Them Related to You.
Joe(Other people get cats or frogs or dragons)Nation
Oh my god. How horrible! What am I going to do? I just planted the whole pouch full of seeds!
Somebody, quick! Help me dig them up! It's beginning to rain!
E(I sure hope nobody moves this to "Pets & Garden")va

A new trolling hook for the new year.
Sglass, every time I see one of your posts, and I gaze upon your new avatar, I am filled with joy, knowing that I was, in part, responsible for such a selection.
I am going to have to find a nice gift for you since you have brought joy into my life.
Gus you cannot believe the joy that you have brought into my life since you selected such a wonderful avatar for me. What more could a girl ask for? Before you came along, I was a nobody. Because of you I now have a voice and can be seen.
I think that you know without my telling you that I look up to you and your creative genius and that I would roll in capybara pootie for your approval. It is with great humility that I implore you to grant me one wish, just one wish is all I ask for.
Here's the deal. I wrote a sonnet and a half. Would you critique it for me and let me know if you think I have what it takes to stand tall with the literatti.
It took me a lot of ovaries to post this and I know that I am leaving myself wide open to the trolls of Christmas Past. But I gotta.
My sonnet and a half is over on the poetry thread. It's called The Sonnets of Seaglass.
Sock it to me Gus, I think I can handle it.
I printed the stuff and placed it on my nightstand. Tonight, I shall read and dissect.
on the high school thread sglass told me this is a photo of Gus
I'm not convinced.
Who the heck is this?
I need to know!
I don't know who that is but I betcha one thing. Ole Gus is probably hot n sexy! I wouldn't be surprised if he's an exotic dancer. Probably makes his living stripping at bachelorette parties.
And if I find the above to be true........ I'm gonna hire him to come and do a private dance for me. :wink:
JustBrooke wrote:I don't know who that is but I betcha one thing. Ole Gus is probably hot n sexy! I wouldn't be surprised if he's an exotic dancer. Probably makes his living stripping at bachelorette parties.
And if I find the above to be true........ I'm gonna hire him to come and do a private dance for me. :wink:
There's just something about a man in overalls... :wink:
Tai Chi wrote:
There's just something about a man in overalls... :wink:
Mmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm! So true!
Hey Tai , nice pic!
Hmmmm......I could see touchin' that!
I've went out with a guy off and on for a few months (not boyfriend/girlfriend) that played defensive tackle in college.
Heavy into weights in school.........still lifts. Though not as much.
He can still squat 400 lbs. Anyhow....his arms are HUGE! Not to mention
the rest of his body!
At least the parts I've seen. :wink:
I'm thinkin he'd look pretty good in them overalls!
Hi JustBrooke!
His name is Mike Holmes. He has a renovation show -- Holmes on Homes. I have a soft spot for guys who can fix things.
Thanks for the info, Tai!
I can pick that channel up on my Dish Network! Gonna have to check him out sometime!
From: dagmaraka
To: all, a round on me
also for drivers and non-drinkers: