kuvasz wrote:deezee wrote:any fan of bruce's is a friend of mine. i've seen 8 shows on this tour so far. if you get a chance to see him this time around...GO. the songs are even better live.
thanks for the tour review. how do you get the time off to go to so many shows?
likely i will miss this tour but i have seen all the others from '75 onward, including bruce's solo act in the fall of '96. i lost count of my shows but its up there with my grateful dead shows at about 67-68 my favorite was the 5 night stand at the tower theatre in upper darby pa to close out 1975. lost a girl friend over it by seeing bruce instead of her. but it was well worth it!
and ditto, any fan of bruce's is a friend of mine as well!
have you seen the hammersmith show from fall of '75?
the first song from it is the final link i put up of the best jungland ever, just bruce and roy bittan's piano. it'll bring tears to your eyes. its awsome and that show proves what made him land on the covers of time and newsweek at the same time three weeks earlier. you can get a glimpse of the show from clips at youtube, but watching the whole show is like watching michaelangelo paint the sistine chapel, you get it with the 30th anniversary edition of born to run and it goes along with the commentary on the making of the born to run album called "wings to wheels." i have to say it brought tears to my eyes since i saw bruce at the main point in bryn mayr pa in october '74 with seating of about 100. like jon landau said, it was an epiphany i'll never forget.
what i love about the Boss is that he still thinks like a working man about the world.
wow. it's taken me a long time to get back to this website to read your great post. now i'm sorry about the delay. like you, i've been following bruce for a long time. i saw him with the castiles in the late 60's and seriously started following him in the early 70's. still have my picture sleeve cover from his first single "blinded by the light". i stopped counting the number of shows i'd seen at the beginning of the river tour when it reached 100. luckily, i own my won business which means i work all the time. but it also means i don't have to report to anyone when i need to fly to a city to see bruce play. i LOVED the documentary and especially the show from LA where they do "thundercrack". they're doing that one occassionally in concert now and it would bring back great memories to you and anyone who remembers it as the show closer in the early 70's.
the fact that you chose a springsteen show over a girlfriend only goes to prove that you have great taste and she had no clue what she was missing...lol.
since i see that you're in georgia here are the onsale dates for tickets near you for the 2008 leg of the tour. atlanta has gone on sale already but i know you can still get tickets even if they say they are sold out. they will drop more online near the date of the actual event. date following the arena is the day the other cities go onsale.
Apr 25 Philips Arena Atlanta, GA Nov 17,
Apr 27 Charlotte Bobcats Arena Charlotte, NC Dec 7
Apr 28 Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC Dec 7
Apr 30 John Paul Jones Arena Charlottesville, VA TBA (To be announced)