How weary, flat, stale and unprofitable seem to be to be all the uses of this world.
You're in a period of major transition, probably a bit short on sleep and when was the last time you and a vitamin had a time of togetherness?
The entire Northern Hemisphere is entering the Dark of the Year.
Everyone expects you to be a pillar of the universe--or their personal dogsbody.
Consequently, you're having a resurgence of emotional overload and adolescent angst.
You're mourning for the life you'd planned and you don't have the energy to trust in the life you're going to create.
Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.
This too shall pass.
Meanwhile, there's a full moon on Saturday. If you can last until then, I'll howl with you.
Hold your dominion.
Even winners get into loser situations. Just remember that for every door that closes, a new one opens. Be sure you've got your glasses handy.
luv Sg
Ah, how long ago it t'was that squinney and swimpy came to my rescue. Hey, squinney, let's beat up on Noddy. That might make you smile a little.
Vanity? Here's one of the best optical illusions of all time.
I used to have a vanity dresser. Looking in the mirror made me anything but vain.
BBB's "looser scale" 1 to 10, number 10 being a world class dope.
Squinney's rating: minus 30.
If you and Squinney are going to beat me up, you can't come to our Saturday Night Full Moon Howling Hen Party.
So there.
You're a good sport, Noddy, and always have been. Guess I'll have to learn to be alone and howl at the moon.

Wait a minute. That ain't no moon it's an ad.
We need you for harmony. Squinney will put down the theme of Dark Anguish and I'll do some Quavers and Dithers and then you harmonize.
I'll play the triangle, since I have no ear and a terrible voice. This oughtta be fun
Great, Mame, and Diane can sing wind beneath my wings. Come on squinney, you can do it.
I hate to see squinney in a down mood.
Someone pass this black and white crow onto her...
She loves those things.
All together now:
Heh, Gus! Where the hell have you been?
We never missed you! :wink:
Squinney needs a good rogering.
Anybody know where Roger is?
Re: I'm Such a Loser
squinney wrote:I really am.
On every level.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
Ever have those times?
I hear ya sister.
There are times when I feel that literally everything I touch I turn to ****.
Of course, like you I suspect, I busily ignore all the things I happen to be doing ok at at such times.
Re: I'm Such a Loser
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
I piss excellence.
So that's where it all goes...
How ya doin' today, Squinney?
DrewDad wrote:Squinney needs a good rogering.
Anybody know where Roger is?
Yeah, just what I need...
to be hit by a car.
(is that what you meant?)
Are you up to howling on Saturday night?
Do we have to wait until then?
Gracie leaves Saturday, and I'm sure she would like to be in on this.