Mon 5 Nov, 2007 07:14 pm
I really am.
On every level.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
Ever have those times?
Doesn't everyone have those times? Hang in there.
Re: I'm Such a Loser
squinney wrote:I really am.
On every level.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
Ever have those times?
First of all, squinney, you most definitely are NOT a loser! I refute that claim! You are a splendid, competent woman of substance! (Like that?

Yes, I've had times when I've felt like that .... usually when I have too much to cope with at one time. Is this
your situation right now?
Yes, I'm well acquainted with that. Started, far as I remember, in Girl Scouts, when any badge seemed either too hard or too boring for me to get.
Then at university, when I went through this immense catalog not being able to pick a major... euwwwww, I didn't want to study that, or that, or that... (when in fact I was interested in parts of many majors).
Anyway, Squinn, I don't think you're a loser at all.
Don't say those things about yourself or I'm going to have to come over there and slap you!
You're having a bad day, that's all.
You're a wonderful, warm, funny, interesting, awesome lady.
Repeat that until you feel better, y'hear??
{{{{{hugs to Squinney}}}}
But seriously, squinney ... are you OK?
It isn't like you to post something like this. I'm a little worried.
Yes, I have had days like that. They're only days, though.
I can remember my 30th birthday, dimly. Man, what a loser.
Re: I'm Such a Loser
squinney wrote:I just can't seem to do anything right.
Ever have those times?
Yep, but it doesn't make me a loser and it doesn't make you one either. It just means that there's too much **** going on in your life. Got anything you can let go of?
Squinney - Crap!
Bloody amazing is what you are!
If you are a loser, how would one define "winner?" Nah. A few bad times can't equal "loser," with one like you.
Re: I'm Such a Loser
squinney wrote:I really am.
On every level.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
Ever have those times?
You've got one of those lives, too?
Now, if you really want to hear a tale of woe ......! :wink:
msolga wrote:Now, if you really want to hear a tale of woe ......!
I could tell you about a 9 year old I know.....
I know the feeling lady
come over. Take off your shoes, lets lay our loser asses on my couch and chug some cold beer
maybe kick a cute kitten or two eh..
(( squinney ))
Squinney- OK. So everyone is telling you that you are not a loser. That's very nice and encouraging, but you still feel like a loser. Why is that?
I seem to remember that the is a certain type of **** that has been going on in your life recently, and your world has been upended. Could that have something to do with it?
Nah, it's everything. I'm getting hit from all sides.
I'm tired of it.
That happens in life and it doesn't mean you are a loser.
You'll only be stronger after all those ordeals...