Mon 15 Oct, 2007 04:56 pm
I have one answer to go but feel that something else must be wrong as nothing fits.
Trying to do 81a - Rats that live in arid area? (9)
I have S_S_R_F_S
My downs are 67d Imposes
56d Neighbours
71d Wander
61d Square off
47d Extortionists
Could someone please help me out as I'm going bonkers.
cryptic 112
Hi evon
for 81a I have deserters
67d is imposed
61d square one
your other answers are correct, good luck
Hi Evon
I can verify Tuesday's answers. In addition for 67d, you should have "imposed".
Hope this helps.
Thankyou so much -
I did wonder about it having something to do with a desert and if imposes should be imposed but I thought 81A must have to have an A in it because of the A in rats so thought I must be way off.
Would you mind explaining the working out to me please.
I cracked it!
I cracked it! They are all one half of a partnership! I can't believe I solved it! Its quite funny!
Cracked it
Oops wrong thread - was talking about the puzzle on page 13.