Yesterday my girlfriend and I were at a mall going to watch a movie. We'd been talking about getting a dog for weeks and on the way there we stopped at a pet shop and saw a Cocker Spaniel she liked (I think they're cute but am not a big fan) but swore we were going to put in the research and not impulse buy a dog.
So we get to the mall and buy the tickets and I said I wanted to find a Beta fish to put in a vase near where I work. When we found a pet shop in the mall she saw this little white Maltese puppy. It's cute as hell and we took it home (along with a fish tank and 5 fish).
The puppy vomited on my lap 5 times on the way home but was too cute to get mad at. Anywho, I need a name. I'm inclined to name him "Brutus", "Macho" or something ironic like that but he's just too damn cute for any name I can think of.
Here's a picture of a Maltese puppy from wikipedia. I haven't gotten mine to stay still long enough for a picture even though he follows me everywhere and I am constantly trying not to step on him he also won't look at the camera for more than a second.
I'm going to keep the puppy cut so he'll look something like that as an adult.