Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:07 am
Please help!! I am down to 49dwn - scrawny? I have sc?????, which of course means that I am also having difficulty with 70 and 78 across!!
Would appreciate the assistance to finish this one!
Thanks as always.... happy puzzling!
I think it's SCRAGGY, which means thin and bony in an unattractive way (have often heard it applied to feral cats).
Hope that's right and of help!
Spot on lmur!
SCRAGGY it is.
70a - ANCHOR
78a - GRINDS
Hope that helps, tamlou.
Hi all
Confirming. Lezzles and Lmur submissions.
"Scraggy anchor grinds". Love it!
Glad to see you've got the gremlins sorted, lezzles.
Thanks so much everyone! It always seems so simple and obvious after you hear it from someone else....
Gotta watch those scraggy anchors, lmur!!