Am I like the youngest A2Ker?

Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:38 am
I never heard of her. How old are her performances? Look at those clothes what era was that?

I guess everyone has to have a role model, and thats good enough.

Well, the truth is I did not keep up with your post because they did not interest me until you posted directly to me.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:40 am
AngeliqueEast wrote:
You want me to keep it up?

Well, here is your role model cooking...


Now make sure you floss after eating her food k. :wink:
Laughing Laughing
I knew I saw that outfit before. Not the same exactly but, close.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:45 am
TTH wrote:
AngeliqueEast wrote:
You want me to keep it up?

Well, here is your role model cooking...


Now make sure you floss after eating her food k. :wink:
Laughing Laughing
I knew I saw that outfit before. Not the same exactly but, close.

Only the material but the style you posted TTH is modern, and the other one is an old style.

I guess both want to be rrrrrrrr like a tiger lol.
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Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 10:53 am
Old can be good. Just take scissors to it. That is what I did with my wedding dress. It was my sister's and it was not my style.
In fact it was ugly so, the day prior to my wedding, I cut parts of it out with scissors. After I got married, I gave the dress
back to my sister. Laughing Laughing Laughing

She didn't think it was funny, I did though Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 11:15 am
TTH wrote:
Old can be good. Just take scissors to it. That is what I did with my wedding dress. It was my sister's and it was not my style.
In fact it was ugly so, the day prior to my wedding, I cut parts of it out with scissors. After I got married, I gave the dress
back to my sister. Laughing Laughing Laughing

She didn't think it was funny, I did though Laughing

Well, you know your right some old styles can be very nice. I like some of the simpler mediaeval gowns myself.

Where I live we have quite a few antique clothing stores, and sometimes they have nice things.

Many people use their mother's or grandmother's old wedding dress for their weddings. They do have to alter them somewhat.

Well, you can't blame your sister because it no longer looked like her original dress.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 11:41 am
Region Philbis wrote:
i can't see youtube clips from my work puter.

please decribe what they are...

Who the hell knows RP, I'm sure it's nothing pertinent.

You know what? I'd love to be a fly on the wall about 25 years from now when those who are iin their early 20's now realize that whatever is popular today is now considered passe. The thing is, they won't give a ****, just like I don't give a **** if someone never heard of Andrea Martin.

Edith Prickleys of the world don't care about passing fashions. Plus, she was outrageous from the get go.

Being serious for a moment, AE, do you really think someone nearing 50 years old really gets miffed or insulted by comments about something being old fashioned?

Not hardly.

If I may ask, how old are you? Really, I'd like to know. I feel like there's a huge gap in priorities.

Although, I have decided, that like Set, I'd just as soon you'd just pretend I wasn't here. Your thought process is fairly incoherent, and I don't have the ambition to muddle through it.

Vaya con carne.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 11:47 am
Aribba ! ! !

Chili con dios ! ! !
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:03 pm
Chai wrote:
Region Philbis wrote:
i can't see youtube clips from my work puter.

please decribe what they are...

Who the hell knows RP, I'm sure it's nothing pertinent.

You know what? I'd love to be a fly on the wall about 25 years from now when those who are iin their early 20's now realize that whatever is popular today is now considered passe. The thing is, they won't give a ****, just like I don't give a **** if someone never heard of Andrea Martin.

Edith Prickleys of the world don't care about passing fashions. Plus, she was outrageous from the get go.

Being serious for a moment, AE, do you really think someone nearing 50 years old really gets miffed or insulted by comments about something being old fashioned?

Not hardly.

If I may ask, how old are you? Really, I'd like to know. I feel like there's a huge gap in priorities.

Although, I have decided, that like Set, I'd just as soon you'd just pretend I wasn't here. Your thought process is fairly incoherent, and I don't have the ambition to muddle through it.

Vaya con carne.

You did not exist either until you directed your post to me. I would love to keep it that way too. With you, and many others here.

Seriously I don't give a damn who you think is funny, and becomes your role model. Is that the best you could find in that time? There is no accounting for taste.

Vayase a la casa de locos y viejos cómicos
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:08 pm
My role model is my grandmother who is real, wise, and a natural funny person that does not have to dress ridicules.

I'm not mexican even though I speak a little spanish.

And you both can stick your carne, chili con dios up where the sun don't shine. :wink: Arriba, arrriba!!! Razz

0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:21 pm

she really thinks edith prickley is my role model for my life....

you seem like a johnny larue type to me.

I wish I could remember this skit, I'll bet you do...

The one where I don't know, probably John Candy was trying to describe a well endowed woman to I think Eugene Levy...

Candy put his hands up, palms out, then curled in his fingers, saying "you know, she's....(curls and uncurls fingers)...ya know...."

Levy: What? What? She has arthritis?

That was the big joke amongst my pals that summer....seeing a girl..."Man, look at the poor girl, really bad arthitis".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:29 pm
You know what else was really funny?

Kids in the Hall.

Bruno Ponce Jones & Francesca Fury

You wacky Canadians.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 12:41 pm
You know this is ridiculous, me posting here, and by my post supporting Cult boy, and his followers. He is traveling, and who knows what else he is doing with the money he makes here. No more!

TTH wrote:
Well I am just plain nuts, not just nuts, plain nuts, and I have the paperwork to prove it Laughing Laughing

And TTH you have to be crazy to be after Cult boy. I wish you the best if you can catch him. Maybe you will be good for him, and you can help him heal, maybe not. I think it would work best if you came from the same background experience. Maybe you did, and he stills does not want you.

This forum with all it's political talk does not help the state of the world in anyway. It just makes money for him. With his past, and the way he runs this forum I wonder if he sleeps at night. A user always remains a user.

So debate, fight, post that is what he wants you to do. He controls you!

I can understand how many of the old needy members need to voice how smart, and right they are about everything plus they are lonely. And, many of you are poor quality humans; look into the mirror to the real you, and not the one you present here.

Good bye
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 01:12 pm
Please clue me in.

Who is Cult Boy?

Where is this cult boy traveling and how is he making money here?

More importantly, how can I make money here?

I wasn't aware I was being controlled, I'm sure I would have felt it.

But I'm just old and needy, so I very well could have poop in my pants, and not know it until someone tells me.
sniff....what's that smell?

(grumbling) man, it must be a full moon, there coming out of the woodwork.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 01:18 pm
Chai wrote:
you seem like a johnny larue type to me.

I can't get any bimbos to play along with me.

You know, Chai, i can't understand why you're playing with those two idiots. And the one has an avatar picture that grosses me out whenever i see it. I've actually been staying away from this thread, unless i see that you have posted. You've been engaging two of the most surreal, idiotic posters at this site.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 01:25 pm
I know about TTH...but I never saw the other one until just recently.

Was she here in the past or something, and left?

Really, I'm ignorant of the entire story.

oh, I figured out who cult boy is, but, what? that makes a difference?

Did AE get banned or something by him, and now she's all mad?

Get me up to speed.

Yeah, surreal, but mainly I'm getting that's she's someone with the maturity level of a 14 year old.

Then again, look at me, I'm a complete A$$hole most of the time here, but, all the while, I'm thinking....always thinking.

Dirt, I need dirt.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 01:27 pm
I haven't the least clue who Cult Boy is, and am indifferent to discovering. AE has been here for quite awhile as i recall. I only recently had the misfortune of actually reading and attempting to understand a post of hers.

I'll never repeat that mistake.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 02:11 pm
mmmm....apparantly back in Dec of 2005 she blew up a real sh*t bomb.

apparantly she had started some thread that was removed, because right after that she started going on about cults.

Then, she left.

But, some people kept popping in for a few months "worrying" about her, and eventually she wandered back.

When she was first around, like the 1st year or 2, she mainly hung out in the poetry and writing threads, which is why I'd never seen her. Although I enjoy reading, for some reason I can't get into the original writing forum here, and honestly, I just don't like poetry.

Skipping around for a couple of minutes, it seemed at that time AE was in the right place, relaxed and, well, nice.

Don't know what happened, but somewhere along the line, things went dinky dau.

Whatever happened, I don't care, but I do get curious when it feels like I just landed on another planet. So, now I see, and now I don't need to think about it anymore.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 02:35 pm
Chai wrote:
mmmm....apparantly back in Dec of 2005 she blew up a real sh*t bomb.

apparantly she had started some thread that was removed, because right after that she started going on about cults.

Then, she left.

But, some people kept popping in for a few months "worrying" about her, and eventually she wandered back.

When she was first around, like the 1st year or 2, she mainly hung out in the poetry and writing threads, which is why I'd never seen her. Although I enjoy reading, for some reason I can't get into the original writing forum here, and honestly, I just don't like poetry.

Skipping around for a couple of minutes, it seemed at that time AE was in the right place, relaxed and, well, nice.

Don't know what happened, but somewhere along the line, things went dinky dau.

Whatever happened, I don't care, but I do get curious when it feels like I just landed on another planet. So, now I see, and now I don't need to think about it anymore.

Of course you would all play dumb. Here are just four videos of his family that still exists. The internet is full of The Family Videos.





And, your more dumb still if you play ignorance to the money that is made on the forums.

He learned his lessons well. He runs this place like a cult. Look at how many posts you have to make to reach the next levels. No other forum works their members so hard for posts. But, or course he knows how much many of you have come to depend on coming here.

As for you Set, you are a pathetic stinky nasty old man. You all deserve each other.

As for you my dear, not only are your teeth falling out but you **** on your pants too quite pathetic.

Put me down all you want, but don't deny the truth!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 02:40 pm
It appears that she equates CdK with "Cult Boy." That's rather bizarre, for reasons which it is not my place to make public. The more i read her posts, the more convinced i become that either she is very young, and not very bright, or is simply immature. No skin off my nose, though.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Oct, 2007 03:04 pm
AngeliqueEast wrote:
Chai wrote:
mmmm....apparantly back in Dec of 2005 she blew up a real sh*t bomb.

apparantly she had started some thread that was removed, because right after that she started going on about cults.

Then, she left.

But, some people kept popping in for a few months "worrying" about her, and eventually she wandered back.

When she was first around, like the 1st year or 2, she mainly hung out in the poetry and writing threads, which is why I'd never seen her. Although I enjoy reading, for some reason I can't get into the original writing forum here, and honestly, I just don't like poetry.

Skipping around for a couple of minutes, it seemed at that time AE was in the right place, relaxed and, well, nice.

Don't know what happened, but somewhere along the line, things went dinky dau.

Whatever happened, I don't care, but I do get curious when it feels like I just landed on another planet. So, now I see, and now I don't need to think about it anymore.

Of course you would all play dumb. Here are just four videos of his family that still exists. The internet is full of The Family Videos.





And, your more dumb still if you play ignorance to the money that is made on the forums.

He learned his lessons well. He runs this place like a cult. Look at how many posts you have to make to reach the next levels. No other forum works their members so hard for posts. But, or course he knows how much many of you have come to depend on coming here.

As for you Set, you are a pathetic stinky nasty old man. You all deserve each other.

As for you my dear, not only are your teeth falling out but you **** on your pants too quite pathetic.

Put me down all you want, but don't deny the truth!

wow....you are really scary AE.

Playing dumb?

Why would I care what someone does on their own time? Or what they don't do?

I'm not even going to bother to look at those videos, non of my business.

If someone makes money off an internet site, well, so what? The internet is a place of business, and if anyone makes a living off it, well, good for them as long as they're not doing something illegal.

No ones taking my money, no one's taking yours, so what do you care.

wow, he runs the place like a cult because you need X amount of posts to get to a level?

so, like, do you think we all pay attention to what "level" anyone's at? We're being worked hard to acheive x amount of posts....jesus, I take it back, you're not nuts, you're stark raving mad.

I wasn't aware anyone, including me, depended on this site. Come to think of it, I do wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, and toss and turn and can't get back to sleep until I get up and see what's going on in Austrailia.

If you were to hold a gun up to my head, I couldn't tell you right now what "level" I am, or how many posts I have.

So, if someone gets to a certain level, what happens? Absolutely nothing.

Jesus, maybe I'm missing out on something, are others getting some prizes or something? I want in.

AE, would you care to explain more about this cult, and how it's working on my mind, unbeknowst to me?

Oh man, this threads fixin' to pick up, This is gonna be good....

Hold on, let me see if I can get more of the followers here...
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