Not particularly well written, but it blew away all my preconceived notions about the Second World War.
*How Poland and Czechoslovakia were sacrificed to stall the beginning of the war
* The disregard for the anti-Nazi movement that could have stopped Hitler and the ultimate price some of these brave plotters paid with their lives.
*The supplying of the Nazi war machine by so called neutral countries like Sweden and Portugal .Even Standard Oil and GM didn't stop helping Germany when war broke out
*An administration that ignored the continuing Holocaust in order not to upset anti semites like Father Caughlin.
*Himmler's offer to trade 10,000 trucks for the safe passage of Jews.
*The looted wealth of Europe and the way it was laundered through Swiss banks in order to feed the Nazi war machine.
Not joyful reading osso, but it gave me a lot to think about.