What BOOK are you reading right now?

Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 05:10 pm
Dan Brown
wales_rules wrote:
'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown is amazing! It's ideas are believable and, even though it's a FICTIONAL book, people have began asking serious questions about the Vatican since it's release. It's a great read, but if you're a Christian stay away it may hurt you're feelings!

He has a new book coming out, which you can learn about on his website www.danbrown.com. Its a fun site to go on because he makes you go on this online treasure hunt to figure out what the book is about. I highly reccomend trying it at least once
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 05:15 pm
books i'm reading
I'm in the middle of a lot of books right now.

Chesepeake by James Michener: Good book to read. It spans the history of 3 families living in the cheseapeake since the time of its colonization

Crime and Punishment, Pride and Prejudice, Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Just finished I am the Cheese. I'm not quite sure why they named it that, because it had nothing to do with self confidence or cheese.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 07:27 pm
I'm reading Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear - spooky stuff.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 09:51 pm
I'm just finishing Running with Scissors.

That man had an interesting childhood.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 11:24 pm
Corgilover? Could it be we have a corgi lover here on a2k?

(corgilover, you will understand my question next week when I change my avatar back to m'dog..)

On books, I am reading the directions to my digital camera.

Oh, and I picked up Henry James' The Americans.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 11:25 pm
Running with Scissors, huh?
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Reply Tue 22 Feb, 2005 06:43 am
Vernon God Little

seems rather derivative from Catcher in the Rye.. I don't really enjoy these hard-done-by but surprisingly literate young heroes from the boondocks
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Reply Wed 23 Feb, 2005 01:56 pm
Clary, I was all over the block in my reaction to Vernon God Little. At the end of the day, I would give it a plus. One either likes farce or not, and I'm a fan if it is well done. (Have you read Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole?)
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 02:27 am
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
I'm just finishing running with scissors.

...and I hope your mother took them off you when you did stop. It's only funny till you poke some-one's eye out.............................

............then it's hilarious!!!

In spite of the unbelievability of the following statement I have just been enjoying a very cold glass of Australian beer in a hotel down at the King Street Wharf in Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia.

The book I was reading there was an original bound copy of 'Punch' Magazine from February 1888. The pub is themed to the first beer brewer in Australia (bless him!) and they have a library of old bound vols for atmosphere. 117 years old! Enjoyed it greatly!
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 07:09 am
In spite of the unbelievability of the following statement I have just been enjoying a very cold glass of Australian beer

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Algis Kemezys
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 07:46 am
I finished the DaVinci Code. That is one heck of a book from start to finish.I would think it would become reading 101 for all highschool students.I think everyone should read it and start forming new conclusions.

The questions remains if Mary Madeline had her rightfull place as the head of the Church would man have fought so amny bloody battles if women were always at our side helping us make the decisions.

I think man ultimate is too war like.I don't think women would initiate half of all these battles.It would be so interesting to see History in a parralle form where Mary was not made into a whore and given the equal place among her peers.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 12:02 pm
Holy smokes! I haven't been reading any books for the past two weeks. ;(
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 05:16 pm
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov [translated from Russian into English by...um, can't see my copy so I can't tell you...and this could be important because there are two translations, but hey-ho, I'll plough on anyway]. This is an old book published after Stalin died and I found it coz it was on the Russian module of my Lit degree. It was the best of a damn fine bunch. I'm not reading it right now but it's more worthy of mention than what I'm reading now!
It has two major plots that is difficult to separate into sub and main because what should be the main plot, the romance of the master and Margarita, is written in a surreal, almost magic-realism style and features a 'stranger' who has supernatural powers. You can't take the main plot too seriously although it is very, very funny.

The sub-plot [as I seem to have designated it for convenience] features no lesser topic than Jesus Christ's meeting with Pontios Pilate and the subsequent cruxifiction. This part is written - in contrast - with such a powerful sense of realism that you feel you are there, you feel the heat, the flies, Pilate's splitting headache...It's not a religious book, and there is one justification for calling this the sub-plot in that it is so comparitively small, only occupying 3 or 4 chapters as I remember, but the contrast is stark to say the least.

Well, not everyone's cup of tea for sure, but I give it five stars!

Thankyou for your attention.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:45 pm
Algis.Kemezys wrote:
I finished the DaVinci Code. That is one heck of a book from start to finish.I would think it would become reading 101 for all highschool students.I think everyone should read it and start forming new conclusions.

But to many in the US, this is dangerous and to be frowned on.


The questions remains if Mary Madeline had her rightfull place as the head of the Church would man have fought so amny bloody battles if women were always at our side helping us make the decisions.

I think man ultimate is too war like.I don't think women would initiate half of all these battles.It would be so interesting to see History in a parralle form where Mary was not made into a whore and given the equal place among her peers.

You may need to remember that many early (pre Mosiac [Judiasm, Christianity, Islam]) religions were matrarchal/feminie. Da Vinci Code mention this.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 02:10 am
Kara wrote:
In spite of the unbelievability of the following statement I have just been enjoying a very cold glass of Australian beer


I detect signs of irony! You aren't a NATIVE-born American, are you now!?!
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 02:12 am
Finished 'The way of the weasel' by Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Laughed out loud in some parts, he's getting better and better.
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 10:16 am
You aren't a NATIVE-born American, are you now!?!

If by native-born, you mean Amerind, the answer is No. Cool

I lived in London for seven years and observed warm beer and many other interesting things.
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 10:31 am
The Master and Margarita
smorgs wrote:
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov [translated from Russian into English by...um, there are two translations,

\my copy is translated byRichard Pevear. I hear that there is another translation but that it was excised by the Russian authorities [about 30 pages shorter] so Pevear's copy is usually used in most bookshops although the other translation is reported to be better standard
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 03:15 pm
I just finished reading the Stephanie Plum Novels by Janet Evanovich - I recommend them to everyone - she is a great writer - and they are hillarious and entertaining and very well written. I have just purchased her new book and will start reading that one tonight. I also read her other series that she co-wrote with another writer - um oops I forgot her name - will post it later when I get home to check.
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 04:46 pm
I just finished The Falls by Joyce Carol Oates. It was excellent, a good read. The story begins with a man committing suicide by jumping over Niagara Falls the morning after his wedding night.

I have liked the few of her many books I've read.
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