hallo...im new to this forum...before i start my never-ending questions pls let me inroduce my two, super sweet bunnies, cookie n socks!
Temperament: Socks is the bold, acrobatic, brave little bunny...She can jump up my 1 metre high bed happily to look for me.. Cookie is sweet, patient and affectionate...He licks wadeva in front of me...the problem is that wheneva i try to look at his teeth,the tongue pops out and starts licking my hand..I hv had Socks from young but a month ago, my late bunny passed away due to jaw abcess
...She was ready to undergo sugery when she decided to go... Call me disloyal or wadeva but after her cremation, i promply called up the SPCA, lo and behold, 1 week later, cookie (he was called brownie at SPCA) arrived home...When he arrived, sadly , he wasnt in bst conditions...his bottom was stained with some yellow patches and he was a bit smelly but it was ok after a nice bath... both of them enjoy eating hay and devouring willow balls...(1 $5 willow ball was gone within a day) oh, btw, does anyone here go to any particular shop that sells ONLY herbs? i can only find parsley, peppermint n coriander but i want basil leaves... oh, and can dandelion leaves n carrot tops be found in s'pore?