Sat 18 Aug, 2007 07:32 pm
I just finished a great and hilarious book, which I loved! Coz' I can read and I get jokes!
This book was recommended to me by a lady from New Orleans who told me it gives you a wonderful and accurate depiction of life in pre-Katrina New Orleans. It's called "A Confederacy of Dunces," by John Kennedy Toole. (It was written in the 1960's and won the Pulitzer Prize)
Anyway, the main character, Ignatius Reilly, is this guy who lives with his mom, and has a strong aversion to work. Until his mom convinces him that he needs to get a job -- which he does with disastrous (and funny) results. All the while, he is surrounded by a cast of colorful New Orleans characters.
Yes, some of the humor is a little gross -- but I still highly recommend it.
(puffs on imaginary cigarette) It's mahvelous, dahling.
So please get this book and read it. (Oh, yeah, one more thing. John Kennedy Toole never lived to see his book get published. He offed himself back in the 60's.)
Great book. She's right, you should read it.
Kicky, you're a man after my own heart! <smooch>
Right back atcha, gorgeous.
I recommend this book too. Gee, maybe all Atookians have already read it. Ya think?
I hope so, mac11. I think this book has become a real favorite of mine.
I already started a thread on this book, Stray Cat. I convinced J_B to read the book and a bunch of other members joined in on the discussion.
Where the hell have you been?
The part in the factory where he tries to organize the workers was laugh-out-loud funny.
Quote:Where the hell have you been?
I bought a Catomaran and took a little trip up to Catalina. I had to sell off thousands of dollars worth of cat toys to make that happen.
Quote:The part in the factory where he tries to organize the workers was laugh-out-loud funny.
Yeah! In fact, this book had me laughing my kitty butt off. We should start an Ignatius fan club. "Oh, my God!"
regarding A Confederacy of Dunces.
Hmmmm.. after reading the above posts, I was wondering why John Kennedy Toole "offed himself" so I googled him and came up with this site which I can digest before delving into his book.
I'm still wondering why he did off himself, so I guess I have to google that as well. Don't you just love a2k?
You're right. A2K is both a meeting place and a launching pad.
My Mom always thought John Belushi would have been perfect for the role of Ignatius, and Wikipedia bears that out.
You're right! Belushi would've made a great Ignatius!
I've not read it (yet!) It's been on my to-read list for YEARS though. Maybe I should work on that.
Six years ago I'm in my local sandwich shop waiting for the two Italian Heros to be wrapped up. (Hey. No jokes. Okay.) There is a shelf where people put used books to share. It's New York. So right next to the three pulpy romance novels are Camus' The Stranger and two Paul Auster books and this odd, very well worn copy of "Dunces". I pick it up and start reading.
Joe(I never put it down until I read the last page.)Nation
I don't believe there's ever been a film version, has there? Can't believe it's been so overlooked by Hollywood.