Holy f---ing **** that was the best concert! They played last night at the Garden, and it was a total f*cking lovefest. Eddie and Dave actually joked with each other a couple times, they were smiling constantly--it looked like they were having as much fun up there as the crowd was. They ROCKED. Nothing but one great song after another. And Wolfgang (Eddie's 16-year-old son) did just fine. He even stepped up to the mic and delivered that line in the song
Unchained, "Dave...Gimme a break..." He sounded pretty nervous when he said it, but of course the crowd went bonkers. It was such a good time!
But don't take my word for it, read an unbiased review. At the bottom is the setlist, which you'll notice is completely and utterly Hagar-free! It was an amazing show.
"The bottom line, and it ain't hyperbole: on this crisp fall night, Van Halen was, if only for two hours, once again the greatest rock band in the world."