Wouldn't mind joining Stormy and Try at the bar.
Get drunk with Dutchy and Try.
Making room for Try, three is a crowd.
Wait for Try to make his move.
Can't wait to see what will happen at bar.
Will be watching the Football.
Still waiting for tomorrow
wonder where yesterday went.
and true!) Watching football all day long.
Get back to painting my patio
Celebrating my football team's win for a place in the Grand Final next week.
Figure out what Otthweeoo (or whatever) means...
Tell jennym to contact "etc" about that word.
Will remind Dutchy (or Tom, or Jerry, or whatever he is going by, nowadays) that I will have nothing to do with such craziness.
Was expecting a reply like that tomorrow, but got it today
Sign myself into the loony bin.
Will pick up try upon his release, and drive Stormy to the looney bin.