TomKitten -- I KNEW I liked you! How great that you do poetry readings... Do you keep your lists? Would you be willing to share them? Have you ever done a reading with two or more voices? That would sure fit with the Muses them.
Invocation to the Muses* is a natural though it's long. It was written to be read and is quite dramatic. (Linked below)
You could take each of the Muses & read about her individually or what she represents. There are several poets who believed to a greater or lesser extent that they were touched by the Muse or needed to get in contact with the Muse of Poetry. Have you been looking on the poetry topics we have? There was one in the last month or so that mentioned a poet & his need to contact his muse. I'll try to look it up for you.
OK, on the Hail Poetry! topic, Jun 28th, this poem by W.S. Merwin was posted. There are links to both Berryman and Merwin there...
I will tell you what he told me
in the years just after the war
as we then called
the second world war
don't lose your arrogance yet he said
you can do that when you're older
lose it too soon and you may
merely replace it with vanity
just one time he suggested
changing the usual order
of the same words in a line of verse
why point out a thing twice
he suggested I pray to the Muse
get down on my knees and pray
right there in the corner and he
said he meant it literally
it was the days before the beard
and the drink but he was deep
in tides of his own through which he sailed
chin sideways and head tilted like a tacking sloop
he was far older than the dates allowed for
much older than I was he was in his thirties
he snapped down his nose with an accent
I think he had affected in England
as for publishing he advised me
to paper my wall with rejection slips
his lips and the bones of his long fingers trembled
with the vehemence of his views on poetry
he said the great presence
that permitted everything and transmuted it
in poetry was passion and he praised movement
and invention
I had hardly begun to read
I asked how can you ever be sure
you die without knowing
whether anything you wrote was any good
if you have to be sure don't write
Hail Poetry!
A2K Favorite Poem Project