Boys and Dad knocking pictures off the hollering. Sunday - such a restful day.
Big prang on the free-way, sirens everywhere.
Wife calling out "come and get it".
Still the Disney channel, but wondering what Dutchy is going to get :wink:

Not what I was hoping for)
Felix the cat meowing.
Stephen Kings "The Stand" on TV
M-O-O-N, that spells Nebraska
I'm pretty sure I can hear a dog coughing up a hairball - and Setanta asking him how he is.
The sound of music coming from the chimney; after a radio was knocked down it weeks ago during renovations and it disappeared in an arroyo.
Garage door going up...keys jangling...time to wash the car!
sound of a co-worker babbling again
Breakfast being prepared in the kitchen, anytime now "Come and get it".
Try auditioning for American Idol, singing 'Don't rock the boat' on radio.
I like Don't Rock the Boat....good beat, fun to dance to...I give it an 83
Felix wanting to come inside.
Dog reading...ahhhhhh - almost time
phone ringing.....excuse me.
My Daddy called - sweet Daddy - good to hear his voice