Two people talking outside.
Lzzie calling out breakfast is ready!
My dulcet tones informing Try he's still dreaming - he can get his own breakfast!
My stomach rumbling from lack of food!
The guest last night being poorly after eating the dinner I cooked him! Oh Try - fancy something to eat?
The dog barking at me for taking his food and putting it on plate for the guest
Me chucking up! Must be something I ate!
The freezer door closing (having just placed the ZipLock Chuck Bag in - for defrosting and reheating next time said guest visits
Koala mating call outside in the gum trees, regular sunday morning ritual.
Perfect Day (You Keep Me Hanging On) - Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground
Old father time knocking at the door - calling round for the weekly poker game!
The bank manager calling to say the account has been cleared out!
Knitting needles clicking as I make a new pair of socks
My heart beating in anticipation.
Anticipating my heart beating someday!
Try griping coz I'm back!
Try's footsteps. He always leaves when I get here.