In '95, I saw Queensryche/Type O Negative in Peoria, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Birmingham, and Atlanta
I only got to see them at the Gorge in Eastern Wa. I did get to go to the 1999 show at the Moore in Seattle, both nights. That rocked!
I'd say YES but their track record is not as solid as KING CRIMSON's. I mean 90215 is very weak whereas KING CRIMSON has always been reasonably strong. On that note, the best prog rock band is MAGMA.
the ABCs are great up and comers. That cd is amazingly good.
Greetings everyone! I apologize for bringing this thread back up.
I greatly enjoy Prog Rock and Prog Metal music. Some of my favourite bands from these genres are:
Gordian Knot
Porcupine Tree
I haven't heard that much of their work but ELP seem incredibly interesting as well.
I have been giving In Absentia a lot of play lately. I really like porcupine tree. I wish I could have seen them with Yes.
Lord Edge I would say that with the exception of Open Your Eyes nothing Yes ever did was as weak as King Crimson's Island, but don't get me wrong I'm a big King Crimson fan. I sort of lost them after Red, but I like the latest one pretty well, whereas I have liked all Yes' work except Open Your Eyes. I can live without Big Generator as well although it has it's good moments.
Just copied ELP's Trilogy album, and the first side of Tarkus to CD. Heh heh, if you know prog rock, you probably are old enough to remember what a 'side' is. Sounds great on our DVD player.
Rush was the first band I thought of (glad you included them, Cav) 'em! Hubby-poo likes all of the bands mentioned...especially ELP.
invidious cynic wrote:Gordian Knot
Porcupine Tree
I forgot these two in the last post:
Spastic Ink