Brain - Should control thought processes and hormone production in most people. Doesn't work for everyone apparently!
People is a name of some famous magazine that was titled "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005.
magazine is those things that they put some stupid crap inside them, and then people actually buy them and read them and take their advice and ruin their life.
Stupid is what a monkey will do with a mirror.
A mirror is something that shows you a so-called reflection that's supposed to speak..
Bronze in the mirror of the form, wine of the mind.
reflection is something that signifies truth
Truth is something that's always vague and obscure
vague rhyms with leg as in " I asked centripid, `which leg?'; it said, 'one thats vague'..."
rhymes are what freestyle rappers have to come up with quick.
freestyle is a type of wrestling, very dangerous.
Wrestling is not non-violence
Non- violence or ahimsa is quite a rare phenomena these days...
Rare products are worthy to keep
Keep is a strong central tower which normally forms the heart of a castle.
a heart is something that always has room in it
something is anything that is one thing that's something.
one come between zero and two
Thing is something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea