Mon 30 Jul, 2007 02:54 pm
It would take 370.38 cups of Instant Tea to put you down.
What's yours?
Quote:Gulp down 331.77 cans of Diet Pepsi and you're history.
(i'll keep this in mind the next time i'm really parched...)
i'm not a coffee drinker, but if i was...
Quote:It would take 111.10 cups of Brewed Coffee to put you down.
Quote:2132.81 cups of Decaf Brewed Coffee + You = Death.
Man, I gotta cut back on the Pimp Juice.
You all do realize that you are, in affect, posting your weight (often considered personal information) on a public forum.
.... just saying.
After 166.36 cans of Red Bull, you'd be pushing up daisies.
And I weigh 195lbs.