Thu 14 Nov, 2002 01:29 pm
"Love is a naked shadow
On a gnarled and naked tree".
Song for a Dark Girl
Langston Hughes
I dislike the repetition of the word "naked" is amateurish
larry- I disagree. In this spare work the word "naked" being used in both the image of the shadow and the tree strengthens the overall gestalt of the
poem, IMO.
As far as tastes go, each person is entitled to his opinion. You may not care for the poem, but to pronounce it "amateurish" is at the least innaccurate, and at most, supercilious!
Good heavens Larry - do you really think so? Why? To me that repetition is the soul of that couplet.
Love as a naked shadow?
How could any amateur ever compose such poetry?