Sat 28 Jul, 2007 12:55 am
Okay children, gather in a circle, sit down and make yourselves comfortable and come up with some brilliant suggestions. Mother has gone barmy trying to figure this one out.
There do not seem to be any EPEES, LLAMAS, EERIES, TATTOOS, etc to give it a kick start; the only one that has a 'pattern' is the first word of the third last column, where the code numbers read 6-4-4-16-4-4.
The 'possibles' I came up with were the usual suspects - TEEHEE, TEEVEE, TEEPEE, BEEGEE, PEEWEE, BOOHOO, VOODOO, HOODOO, but none of these letters seem to make any sense in the rest of the grid.
I don't usually have any problems with Starhunts, but this one has me flummoxed! Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Lezzles
Can't remember how I got started, but it's done. Top right hand corner is "SPRAWL" across and "LATELY" down. That will get you going. I have a feeling I just guessed until I found something that would work.
Good luck with the rest, Granny Lynne
Me again Lezzles
Just read your post thoroughly and realize that is where I cracked it - it's ASSESS. GL
August big Starhunt#1
Thanks for that grannylynnne I was having the same problem as lezzles. Will work on the rest later tonight. Good luck all.
You're both very welcome. I'm glad to be able to help for a change instead of being the one picking brains.
Thank you so much, grannylynne!
It's always SO obvious, you could trip over it, isn't it?
You're a gem!
Just wanted to confirm the already submitted words... it also took me a couple of attempts at this one, I had to put it down and walk away, go back and redo it

This one definately earnt its money, lol. GL, even though I am sure by now you are probably already done with it :wink:
Had everything up to date and started the minute the book arrived in the mail this time. Just have to clue the DIY and i'm done - and that's the hardest part for me I think.
Good luck everyone!