Petition to outlaw commercial dog fighting contests

Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 12:57 pm
High Seas wrote:
Kerry of Massachusetts wants to introduce legislation as well, so note the wording:

I'm guessing there will be at least 20 bills introduced in Congress over the next few months banning some aspect of dog fighting. Kerry, like the rest of them, can't resist an opportunity to jump on something to get his name into the press. :wink:
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High Seas
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 01:54 pm
Fishing - probably, but Kerry's the first one to be introduced. On the same link, see also statement by Senator Byrd (who just won my undying affection for making it) on the dog-fighting horror:

"I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt," Byrd said.

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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 06:57 pm
Here's another sort of a story about a business involving animals which you will almost certainly never find ordinary middle class white people involved in.....


Read it and weep....
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:10 pm
Dude, something is seriously fuckin wrong with your goofy ass.
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:22 pm
Personally, it is excruciating to read at all about this stuff. <breathe out, breathe in>

I'll post to say I saw, at least a day before Snood posted on the subject, an article describing the width and breadth and length of time dog fighting has been of interest to many; his post affirmed what I understood.
I remember the conclusion in the article that now, what is in common with much of the incidence of dogfighting, is a connection to gangs of a wide variety of sorts, but that the background of the activity is even more far reaching, re level of following and participation, a far reaching thicket.

Since I read the dump by Gunga, I've searched for the article, but it's back in the plethora of news sites on google.
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 07:37 pm
this quote reminds me very much of shiksa

http://www.animallaw.info/articles/ddusdogfighting.htm wrote:
Dogfighters often see themselves as a misunderstood group, victims of cultural genocide. "Dogfighting is a part of this culture. You don't change culture. It dies but it does not change. Dogfighting, cockfighting, fishing, hunting are all parts of our heritage. We have seen many intruders try to change us, it's always outsiders...but we are just ordinary folk who are different in some ways."[68] Dogfighting literature is often replete with juxtapositions of the bloodsport, religion, and patriotism: "God protect us against those enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC who would steal our Constitutional rights and our liberty! FREEDOM!"[69] Some dogmen even go so far as to maintain that they're "truth seekers," ordained by God to control all living beings and to preserve the "game" of dogfighting.[70] Dogfighters perceive their behavior as normal and often try to portray humane organizations and other anti-dogfighting groups as extremists and as true animal abusers. One website, Gamedogs.com, has an entire section devoted to news of "abuses" committed by humane workers, or "humaniacs" as the dogmen often refer to them.
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 10:18 pm
>Dogfighting, cockfighting, fishing, hunting are all parts of our heritage....

DON'T insult the world's intelligence by comparing dog fighting with hunting. There are good and substantial reasons for not wanting wolves or pumas running around in settled areas and WITHOUT wolves and pumas, whitetail deer HAVE to be hunted for reasons which are well known.
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Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 10:33 pm
snood wrote:
Dude, something is seriously **** wrong with your goofy ass.

All I'm really trying to do is clue everybody in on what you're going to be hearing on this case shortly, i.e. that the government is attempting to violate the civil rights of Vick and his associates and others by seeking to outlaw basic aspects of negro culture. I expect to see lawsuits against the government.

Consider how well this tack worked for the albanians living in Kosovo a few years back. These savages had been blowing up Yugoslav govt. offices and murdering government officials and others and instituting a reign of terror attempting to drive every other ethnic group out of the province, and basically were claiming that the Yugoslav government was commiting cultural genocide by seeking to outlaw every meaningful aspect of albanian culture, i.e. that they had outlawed rape, murder, arson, drug-dealing, prostitution, traffic in stolen vehicles....

The tactic in fact worked so well that Slick KKKlintler actually bombed Yugoslavia for 80 days and nights including Easter Sunday, if you can believe that.

What Michael Vick needs to do is stall until Hillary KKKlintler gets elected president in 08, and then hire Madeleine Albright to argue his case at the whitehouse. Don't act too surprised when you see some little courthouse down there in rural Virginia go up in a mushroom cloud.
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High Seas
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:20 am
gungasnake wrote:
snood wrote:
Dude, something is seriously **** wrong with your goofy ass.

All I'm really trying to do is clue everybody in on what you're going to be hearing on this case shortly, i.e. that the government is attempting to violate the civil rights of Vick and his associates and others by seeking to outlaw basic aspects of negro culture. I expect to see lawsuits against the government.

Consider how well this tack worked for the albanians living in Kosovo a few years back. These savages had been blowing up Yugoslav govt. offices and murdering government officials and others and instituting a reign of terror attempting to drive every other ethnic group out of the province, and basically were claiming that the Yugoslav government was commiting cultural genocide by seeking to outlaw every meaningful aspect of albanian culture, i.e. that they had outlawed rape, murder, arson, drug-dealing, prostitution, traffic in stolen vehicles....

The tactic in fact worked so well that Slick KKKlintler actually bombed Yugoslavia for 80 days and nights including Easter Sunday, if you can believe that.

What Michael Vick needs to do is stall until Hillary KKKlintler gets elected president in 08, and then hire Madeleine Albright to argue his case at the whitehouse. Don't act too surprised when you see some little courthouse down there in rural Virginia go up in a mushroom cloud.

Gunga - Snood and others here have a point that animal abuse generally isn't limited to black persons.

I agree with you on the bombardment of Yugoslavia ref "saving the Albanians" btw, and the Cantonese torturers to whom you linked are notorious, as are many others in many countries but limiting cases to domestic U.S. please look at photographs of those already apprehended:



Writing from an airport don't know when I can post again so just ask that you please consider publicly available info.
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 02:37 pm
Anybody thought they were gonna have to wait more than a few days to see my little prediction here come true??


Racial divide
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
July 26, 2007

Dan Wetzel
Yahoo! Sports
RICHMOND, Va. - The crowded, chaotic sidewalk on Main Street, across from the federal courthouse, was an unlikely location for a lesson on the virtues of the fifth amendment.

But standing behind a throng that wanted a pound of Michael Vick's flesh - people that had just screamed for the Atlanta Falcons quarterback to "burn in hell" and held signs advocating his murder, torture and neutering - was Thomas Smith in work boots and a white t-shirt.

High above his head he held a simple sign with just a single word: "Constitution."

"These folks have convicted a man who hasn't even had a chance to defend himself," said Smith. "They just forget everything about America."

But here was America in full force, full vision, mixing it up while Vick pled not guilty to federal charges pertaining to an alleged dog-fighting ring on property he owned in rural Surry County. And front and center, impossible to ignore, was race.

Like Smith, almost all of the people supporting Vick or holding signs pleading for "due process" and "innocence until proven guilty" were African American.

On the other side was an emotional, angry, passionate anti-Vick group that was overwhelmingly white.

Certainly not every animal rights supporter was screaming for Vick to die. Many were just there to support the cause of caring for animals, ending the barbaric practice of dog fighting and using the massive media presence to benefit good.

But a significant number were focused on Vick. When he emerged from a black SUV and made a slow walk up a ramp and into the courthouse, they pushed toward police barriers and let loose.

"Burn in hell you (expletive) (expletive)," repeatedly screamed one woman.

"Die like those dogs," shouted another.

Not long after Vick got inside the courthouse - and in a scene that was repeated when he left less than two hours later - the two sides clashed in shouted voices and dueling signs.

White people screaming for justice; black people asking if they still remember everything justice entails.

That a case involving dog fighting can break so quickly along racial lines is a testament to how it bubbles below just about everything in this country. We all wish it wasn't so, including both sides here. No one wanted this. Almost no one even wanted to acknowledge it. But it was there, plain as day in black and white.

"I wouldn't say it's a racial thing," said David Williams, an African American, in a hopeful tone. "It's not racial. But for these animal rights people to take one person and crucify him isn't fair."

The thing is, the "animal rights people" here were an estimated 90 percent white. The pro-Vick/due process crowd was probably 95 percent black.

Obviously, both animal rights advocates and due process proponents come in all colors. And certainly a circus show like this, revved up by a massive media presence, isn't representative of America.

But, then again, I also know what I saw and what I heard.

"They are not going to give the man a chance?" Williams said. "You're innocent until proven guilty. He hasn't even had a trial yet."

There should be two undeniable, 100 percent agreed upon truths concerning this case: First, dog fighting is a barbaric felony and whoever participated in it on Vick's property should get hammered by the justice system.

Second, Vick deserves the right to defend against the charges. The indictment cites four "cooperating witnesses," but presuming each is a dog fighter himself, potentially facing prosecution unless they rolled on Vick, who and how reliable are they?

That said, the U.S. Attorney's office is known for its detail and diligence - this isn't some hack county prosecutor like the Duke lacrosse case. They rarely lose, so the challenge for Vick is serious and significant. But he has the right to fight.

"This is going to be a hard-fought trial," agreed Billy Martin, Vick's attorney.

It may not be any less intense than the scene out on Main Street, where two sides, clearly divided and easily identifiable, both anchored in righteous beliefs and moral causes went at it.

Two black women held a sign declaring: "I support Mike Vick due process." That caused vocal jeering from the protesters, which in turn caused the women to taunt them back by waving the sign at them. Later two men had to be separated by security as their debate descended toward physical confrontation, all as a crowd surrounded shouting in all directions.

And on and on it went on this hot Southern sidewalk.

Dan Wetzel is Yahoo! Sports' national columnist. Send Dan a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 11:19 am
Further confirmation....


nice if I could be wrong about this kind of **** once in a while....
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High Seas
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 01:25 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Further confirmation....


nice if I could be wrong about this kind of **** once in a while....

From Gunga's link:

"Atlanta NAACP President R.L. White tells The Atlanta Journal-Constitution too many people have been "vilifying' Vick before they know for sure what happened. [...]

Yesterday about 200 people gathered outside the Georgia Dome to show support for Vick.

The rally was organized by New Order - a human rights group based in Marietta. "

This is weird, Gunga, if that's the same "New Order" group referenced in this other link:


...the Hitlerian overtones of the phrase "New Order"
were appropriate. The tactics that Fields employed in Cedartown are
best understood in the context of Nazism rather than in the history of
the Ku Klux Klan.

Whereas historically the Klan had been hostile to organized
labor, often operating as strikebreakers, Fields took a different
approach. Under Fields' direction, workers at the Zartic plant were
organized into a group called The American Labor Union. This union
then proceeded to stage pickets of the plant calling for the firing of
"illegal Mexican workers." Shockingly, the picket lines included both
robed Klansmen and African-American employees.
0 Replies
High Seas
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 01:39 pm
... while waiting for Gunga to clear up this sudden alliance between African-Americans, Neo-Nazis, the KKK, PETA, (is that right? maybe I misread that link!), another picture worth a thousand words:

0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jul, 2007 06:43 pm
For whatever it's worth...

Most of what I read indicates that dog fighting in urban areas is largely a recreational activity of drug gangs and involves drug money. That says that like most other forms of urban pathology in America, 90% of this particular kind of bullshit would evaporate the day after you got rid of the "War on Drugs(TM)".

A rich dude like Vick wanting to do this sort of thing has to be an aberration.
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Region Philbis
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 09:14 am
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Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 10:15 am
gungasnake wrote:
All I can tell you is that in 60+ years of living in the normal parts of America I've seen and experienced all kinds of things, but I not only have never seen a dog fight, I've never even seen any evidence of them and I positively would not be able to tell anybody where to go or who to talk to in order to watch one.

I assume the same is true of most white Americans.

That is true for 'any" americans. white has nothing to do with it.

Most people in these modern times realise that fighting dogs results in them being injured.

Most people dont wish to partake in that.
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Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 10:19 am
BTW ,the government has authority to take property like that?

Thats simply insane.
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High Seas
Reply Tue 31 Jul, 2007 11:50 am
OGIONIK wrote:
BTW ,the government has authority to take property like that?

Thats simply insane.

You call the 66 pitiful animals who were taken away "property"? How about the dozen dead dogs found buried there so far?

Read the federal indictment:

The property was purchased by Vick in June 2001. Since that time, the named defendants formed a dog fighting enterprise known as "Bad Newz Kennels" and used the property for housing and training pit bulls used in dog fights. From at least 2002, the defendants and others sponsored dog fights at the property, where participants and dogs traveled from South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, New York, Texas, Alabama, and other states to participate. Generally, only those accompanying the opposing kennels and "Bad Newz Kennels'" associates attended the fights. [.......] The dog fight would last until the death or surrender of the losing dog. At the end of the fight, the losing dog was sometimes put to death by drowning, hanging, gunshot, electrocution, or another method.

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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 08:45 am
The ever eloquent Deion Sanders' take:


"I believe Vick had a passion for dogfighting. I know many athletes who share his passion. The allure is the intensity and the challenge of a dog fighting to the death. It's like ultimate fighting, but the dog doesn't tap out when he knows he can't win.

It reminds me of when I wore a lot of jewelry back in the day because I always wanted to have the biggest chain or the biggest, baddest car. It gives you status."

What an idiot. Interesting that he claims to know a lot of athletes who are involved.

To the black/white thing....I have no idea how much dog fighting is a black/white thing(I would think plenty of rednecks do it too), but having a tough-image dog like a rotty or a pit for "status" IS an urban thing. You just have to see enough rap videos & "Cribs" episodes to figure that out. How much of a pussy is someone to rely on their dog's breed to reflect their image? Bunch of blinged out homos.
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Stray Cat
Reply Wed 1 Aug, 2007 09:56 am
So true. I never did get the whole "I own a pit bull dog. See how tough and cool I am?"

And, for the record, Mike Vick is a complete and total dick wad.
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