I think all the people in the world are friends,no matter whether you meet each other,what they colour are,what they language are,what they religious are
Tue 15 Apr, 2014 07:24 pm - Actually,I don't need renting anything.I just wanna find such kind of website.Wanna know how the website operate.
Thanks after all (view)
Tue 15 Apr, 2014 02:47 am - Thanks friends.
I search "renting" by Google.But almost all is about renting house and cars.
Actually I don't need renting those thing that I mentioned.I just wanna find such kind... (view)
Tue 15 Apr, 2014 01:34 am - Can you give me some website about renting.Not just rent house ,car.also other stuff,like phone, camera,bicycle etc.
And people also can post message that he can rent he own stuff to other people (view)