Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:35 pm - also sorry if anyone is offended by this, but I am a jewish person, also part native american, and russian, sorry if I offended some of the real kkk on this site, and I don't think I would... (view)
Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:18 pm - also what's your opinion about them, are they misunderstood people? Are they evil? are they good? Are they right? Are they wrong? Are they non violent? And another question what do they... (view)
Fri 26 Oct, 2012 03:17 pm - What does ku klux clan mean? Does anyone know? I am curious of the hystory behind the ku klux clan, I know they were racist people, but other than that I don't know much. (view)
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 12:59 pm - I do know most of your beliefs what are some other beliefs you have, do you believe in nothing, do some of you believe in something? Please do tell me. (view)
Tue 14 Aug, 2012 03:43 pm - need some help, some kids named james valentine, john valentine, and robert valentine, and steven pickering have been beating me in the night and trying to kill me, could any of you scare the crap... (view)