Thu 7 Jan, 2016 05:07 pm - I do like this. So for instance:
I would be happy with making love 3 times per week.
A. Let her know that i need her to initiate this 1 per week
B. Suggest that we have an open marriage
-... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2016 04:57 pm - Make you crazy as in turned you off? How so?
Shes tired, but wouldn't you agree I am too? Seems a bit selfish if you ask me. Imagine this scenario:
Wife works late, I make dinner. She... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2016 04:52 pm - Ha, you must be confused. I don't beg. If she isn't interested then I find other things to do, she naturally sees this and we discuss it. But, it doesn't really change. She just... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2016 04:39 pm - Certainly good advise, ehBeth. Shes very healthy so I dont think its a medical issue. She works out at 4:30 in the morning 3 days a week and has the energy for that - (think crossfit.) I like... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2016 02:56 pm - This is my first post, anywhere, so thank you in advance for your support.
For the first time in a long time, i'm genuinely happy with myself and who I am. My self-confidence has returned,... (view)