Wed 7 Oct, 2015 05:31 pm - Thanks I just need to work out how to get level 4 of the duelling club so I can get Secret 25. I also what get secret 21 but to get I need do this to the recent posts section and starting with... (view)
Thu 17 Sep, 2015 01:16 pm - I found this on a other site Ok this only worked for me once, go to the recent posts section and starting with No Roleplay check of to the left all the restrictions, give time for each to load,... (view)
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 07:02 am - This for secret 21 go to the recent posts section and starting with No Roleplay check of to the left all the restrictions, give time for each to load, then at the end click Check All. the thing is... (view)
Sun 20 Jul, 2014 03:05 pm - 13. A Timeley Affair - At 10:15PM MNI time, a connection error comes up. Click repeatedly on the word "refresh" in the error message until you are taken to the another page and are... (view)