Sat 12 Sep, 2009 10:24 pm - Have you told or instructed your boyfriend what you like, how you like it? Ive heard most women cant orgasm through penetration, only stimulation. Is he 'small/average/big', maybe he... (view)
Sat 12 Sep, 2009 09:57 pm - I find this often happens when you watch the 2nd movie 1st and the 1st movie 2nd. Ive got both on dvd and prefer the 2nd movie, although its the poor mans Indiana Jones loooooool. (view)
Sat 12 Sep, 2009 09:53 pm - Does anyone know of any coonection with Fife and the Holy Grail/Rose Line? I know of a connection with Kinghorn and Kirkcaldy? Obviously I know about Rosslyn Chappel but thats in Midlothian. (view)
Sat 12 Sep, 2009 09:47 pm - Robert the Bruce or Roibert a Briuis to give his proper gaelic name, his place of birth is not known but is either Turnberry Castle in Ayrshire or Brieux, Normandy. By the way he's still... (view)