Wed 31 Mar, 2010 08:02 pm - [QUOTE=Fatal_Freedoms;70939]What other system of government is left besides monarchy?[/QUOTE]
since when is capitalism a system of government ?
Rehmat's statement doesn't make much... (view)
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 07:01 pm - [QUOTE=kynaston;70924]Well, I'm sure sounding like Agnapostate is preferable to sounding like a brainwashed hillbilly. I suppose you couldn't afford the treatment for your paranoia? -... (view)
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 01:17 am - [QUOTE=Fatal_Freedoms;70913]Let me guess your first two languages are English and rhetorical badgering?[/quote]
I can speak English, Russian and Ukrainian. I didn't count Ukrainian because... (view)
Tue 30 Mar, 2010 12:13 pm - [QUOTE=kynaston;70880]Learn to read and write before you do this tedious ranting at ME, child. You make yourself look like a ignorant peasant - or perhaps that is what you are? I understood that... (view)
Tue 30 Mar, 2010 11:57 am - [QUOTE=kynaston;70879]Well, Neurosport, if you once lived under State Capitalism and supposed it to have anything to do with socialism, no wonder you have gone native over there and started beating... (view)
Sun 28 Mar, 2010 09:38 pm - [QUOTE=Fatal_Freedoms;70810]Yeah, who needs education anyway?
did you read the article ?
i don't agree with many of his points but i admire his courage for... (view)
Sun 28 Mar, 2010 09:33 pm - [QUOTE=kynaston;70806]Liberalism is the normal ideology of capitalism everywhere[/QUOTE]
somebody ban this fool before i teach him how to use that soup between his ears.
and fascism is the... (view)
Sun 28 Mar, 2010 09:21 pm - [QUOTE=kynaston;70827]I've scarcely ever met an American I disliked, but it would seem that, when they go home, they begin barking, howling at the moon, believing in insane conspiracies and... (view)
Sat 20 Mar, 2010 04:07 am - [QUOTE=jpn of Seattle;70662]Show of hands: who hates child labor laws?[/QUOTE]
i do.
it's better for kids to work than to waste their lives in school.... (view)
Sat 6 Mar, 2010 12:05 am - [QUOTE=Fatal_Freedoms;70638]Most often people make sweeping generalizations based on some bias, whether it be political bias, philosophical bias, national bias, racial bias or religious bias. Such... (view)