Member since February 22, 2004


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Sat 6 Mar, 2004 11:49 pm - Now, let me get my bit in here. If everything was pre-programmed, would we have self awareness. Look at the tool you are using this moment. It utilizes programs. Are those programs self-aware?... (view)
Sat 6 Mar, 2004 11:17 pm - A topic of dicussion. Some might feel this is a weird answer but it fits, as did some of yours almost. I was kind of dissapointed with the answer myself. (view)
Sat 6 Mar, 2004 11:14 pm - i understand your position perfectly JLN. In fact it makes sense in some ways. But... is just that you don't remember aything mean it doesn't exist? I had a blue blankey that i was... (view)
Sat 6 Mar, 2004 02:02 am - These are my thoughts on death. I dont worry about it. it comes for all of us, and the worst thing we can do is wait around for it. live life. i don't know what comes after death, maybe... (view)
Fri 5 Mar, 2004 01:11 am - this post seems dead so i might as well give the answer. if anyone would object to me doing this, you have 24 hours to say so (view)
Thu 4 Mar, 2004 11:18 pm - georgeob1 raises an excellent point. the main problem with many ideas about improving society is the deadweight our socoiety carries around. you know who i'm talking about. the people who... (view)
Wed 3 Mar, 2004 05:48 pm - Okay, I'm going to straddle the fence here. <commence rant> First, the U.S. could do more. No one is arguing against that. Whether or not we should is the question being raised... (view)
Sat 28 Feb, 2004 02:06 am - Almost any here that are christians will probably remember the story of jesus watching the donations in the temple and blessing the poor person that gave 1 gold over the rich who gave more, due to... (view)
Fri 27 Feb, 2004 06:49 pm - Nice guess SCoates, lol. Thoughts was a start, but what you guys want to get to are what thoughts later become down the road, not things that are akin to thoughts. (view)
Wed 25 Feb, 2004 01:23 am - I'll tell you this. You're close. "Thoughts" is on the right road, but you've not traveled the road far enough along it's course. (view)
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