Mon 24 Sep, 2018 12:16 pm - so I was in school and got caught vaping got suspended (like usual) but this time my crush gave me her number address and email before I left.
she told me over text that she liked me but when I... (view)
Fri 21 Sep, 2018 07:47 pm - I have a couple of questions about "religious" stuff.
1) I heard somewhere that Satan isn't really the king of hell but he's the king of the earth
2) what is the difference... (view)
Fri 21 Sep, 2018 09:53 am - I'm not exactly the courageous type of person, like at all it takes me about a week of preparation to even talk to a girl I like (view)
Thu 20 Sep, 2018 07:18 pm - so, my life is trash and i have been thinking of this for a while. i have so many problems in my life and i want them to dissapear. so i was thinking about this in church (ironically) and i think... (view)
Thu 20 Sep, 2018 01:50 pm - I'll give you a word and you have to give another word to continue a statement. it has to make sense and the statement can go in any direction and escalate and deescalate at any pace
the... (view)
Thu 20 Sep, 2018 01:37 pm - there's a girl that I like and she just broke up with her boyfriend and I wanted to make my move but then she did the most unexpected thing and asked me to stay with after school. we stayed... (view)