Thu 13 Feb, 2014 03:05 pm - I'm not mad at anyone. I would like to be clear on that. I would even be so bold as to immediately agree that most if not all of the posters on the site have more knowledge of literature,... (view)
Thu 13 Feb, 2014 02:23 pm - I could say that the Ya-Ya Siterhood of the Travelling Pants doesn't have any strong male characters, I could say that about Charlies Angels, I could say that about Green Gables, I could say... (view)
Thu 13 Feb, 2014 01:12 pm - Man. Yes it could be seen as sexist however, the word actress doesn't exist anymore and female actors are actors which previously was the masculine.
I like to argue that human is a... (view)
Thu 13 Feb, 2014 11:11 am - You are quite right it does in fact take place at the end of the story and does tell of the end of man. As much as I wish I could tell you everything that leads up to that point sadly I cannot. 34... (view)
Wed 12 Feb, 2014 05:15 pm - I see it. I didn't know what the style rule was and the closing of the entire dialogue and closing the quote on 'man' is where I was having my conflict. I know that society is... (view)
Wed 12 Feb, 2014 04:59 pm - Interesting. It was read by British people in their 70's you would have thought they would have mentioned it. Even stranger is that word doesn't have an issue with it.
Just so that... (view)
Wed 12 Feb, 2014 04:32 pm - So I'm writing this story and I have several instances where there is a quote inside a quote and of course I need to know if this is correct:
"They also contain the collected works and... (view)