Tue 26 Feb, 2013 01:49 pm - I never heard anybody call economics an art, but ok, I see your logic. After all it is in the college of liberal arts. (view)
Tue 26 Feb, 2013 12:09 pm - Technically economics is considered a science. It's the social science that studies the allocation of resources for the satisfaction of insatiable human wants.
And yes, economist can... (view)
Tue 26 Feb, 2013 01:56 am - Here's my refurbished essay, again please critique.
Note: the first and last paragraphs are identical to the ones in the first draft.
The concept of change is a constant truth we must all... (view)
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 09:49 pm - I did not attend ERAU, I attended a CC in the state of Texas. I'm refurbishing my essay right and will focus more on my CC experiences rather than my high school experiences. (view)
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 09:12 pm - I also want to point out that it's not like I graduated high school 10 years ago. It hasn't even been a year so why can't I incorporate it in my essay? (view)
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 09:07 pm - Of course I consider your critique, I guess I'm just defending what I believe to be the purpose of the essay (I don't think I was being arrogant in the case I made earlier).
If I were... (view)
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 02:51 pm - And if all you got out of this essay was me constantly complaining, you're terribly wrong. The whole point of the essay is to exhibit something your transcripts and achievements cannot. I... (view)
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 10:53 am - The entire second paragraph is based on how I changed. Yes I was arrogant, but that's all in the past now. Read the las three sentences of the paragraph. I also want to note that I'm a... (view)