Sat 14 Nov, 2009 11:29 am - Problem was solved, they replaced my phone. After calling 4 stores and going to 2, I was able to find someone that could take care of it. Unbelievable! This forum is a better source for solutions... (view)
Mon 9 Nov, 2009 10:35 pm - After I make and save new contacts they do not appear in contacts. If I dial the number, then the name will appear, but the contact is not found in contacts. The people at verizon couldnt fix it. I... (view)
Sun 8 Nov, 2009 09:32 pm - Has anyone transferred music files to the Droid from a Mac?
Songs that were installed not purchased through itunes do not transfer.
I am also having problems "ejecting disk". I have to... (view)
Sun 8 Nov, 2009 07:20 pm - Here is the link to the User Guide:
[url][/url] (view)