Sat 22 Dec, 2018 03:55 pm - I think this assumption can be verified - if it is true then connection between red shift and amount of "dark matter" should exist. And as I understand there is a such connection - they... (view)
Sat 22 Dec, 2018 03:29 pm - Hi,
Good question - for my understanding time unit is period that some basic operation continues, or how fast universe ticks. I'm SW engineer, so I'm taking a lot of analogies from... (view)
Sat 22 Dec, 2018 07:17 am - I don't think so - I think it is accelerating. This is why we have red-shift effect of far galaxies, and other effects. But I'm not scientist in astrophysics... (view)
Sat 22 Dec, 2018 06:53 am - I'm not scientist in astrophysics, but I like this subject and I have some theory. I think that observed universe can be explained much better by time acceleration rather than expanding... (view)