Tue 30 Sep, 2014 01:23 pm - So it has been months since I have posted. Telling the person was most likely the biggest mistake of my life. It nearly cost me a friendship. Neither of us spoke to each other for about two months... (view)
Wed 18 Jun, 2014 01:59 am - What's the point of saying the truth will set you free...because it doesn't. Infact it makes it worse. I'm at the point of dropping my religion (view)
Sat 17 May, 2014 02:45 pm - Well that failed miserably. He doesn't want to me anymore...Oh well. At least he knows the truth now. Hopefully he will change himself and we will become friends again (view)
Sun 11 May, 2014 06:19 am - Being bi really makes life much more confusing and difficult. I also cannot tell him that I am bi because I am not sure how he will react. If he would tell anyone, my whole life could be... (view)
Sun 11 May, 2014 06:14 am - In some cases I am also a homphobe. I like to think that there are two types of gays, those who like attention and act as if they're females and the true homosexuals who keep their... (view)
Sun 11 May, 2014 05:11 am - I just like to think that the chances of him being bi is so small. I am also wondering if it is normal for a straight guy to be so loving and like he is and trying to draw my attention the whole... (view)