Mon 21 Nov, 2016 06:28 pm - This world feels broken; the unstable divide of mankind.
The intelligence born into the human race; the gift granted to each and every one of us is no longer a gift but seems like a disgrace. A... (view)
Tue 15 Nov, 2016 07:09 pm - This is a little something i wrote the other night. I would greatly appreciate some feedback, i would like people to challenging my opinion or expand on added detail.
Some may find this to be... (view)
Tue 15 Nov, 2016 06:59 pm - When contemplating the inner thoughts of creativity and the undying will to strive for a sense of knowing, a sense of purpose, in this world of chaos. One may find themselves lost, being sucked... (view)
Tue 15 Nov, 2016 06:46 pm - This is my view on life.
some may find this to be true, “that life is but a dream”. Looking at this, isn’t life just a dream that we as humans consider to be truth. A dream... (view)
Tue 15 Nov, 2016 06:43 pm - It is a strangeness that dwells in the depth of my soul. A reality not in strength but in contemplation, for is it strength to start a new or ignorant cowardice? Strength not to walk away but to... (view)