Fri 15 May, 2009 10:16 pm - Lil white boy get off the sight,
U were wit his mom but i was wit yours last night,
I herd his mom she was screamin for help,
She wasnt aware of what u were lackin below the belt,
All i herd... (view)
Fri 15 May, 2009 10:14 pm - Lil white boy get off the sight,
U were wit his mom but i was wit yours last night,
I herd his mom she was screamin for help,
She wasnt aware of what u were lackin below the belt,
All i herd... (view)
Fri 30 Jan, 2009 05:49 pm - Wow that was a good bed time story,
but non a that shit had me worried
you the fakest rapper on here,
ya worst nightmare just apeared,
i inflict alot of fear,
why u keep comin back just... (view)
Fri 30 Jan, 2009 02:16 pm - 1/2 why u wanna battle me when im betta than u,
ya rhymes got nottin on me and ya know its true,
you've seen what kind of a rapper i've developed into,
3/4 ive got alot of wins i can... (view)
Sat 24 Jan, 2009 11:43 pm - Ya shit is weak whats ya deal,
Afta what i give ya
it'll take about ya hole life ta heal
who told u u could battle with us,
think ya gunna win well ya outta luck,
cause ya flows got u... (view)
Thu 15 Jan, 2009 12:54 pm - U say u can beat him on the court well try and beat me, cause im the best baller that ya eva gunna meet, my skills to good i drain anythin from 3, ya aint a baller and ya neva will be, im 14 and im... (view)
Sun 11 Jan, 2009 11:51 am - I'm a rhyme stealer that's fine with me, cuase even a retarded kid could have u beat, u cant rap, pick up somethin new, join the Portland trail blazers cause the always lose like u, half... (view)