Sat 3 Jun, 2017 09:46 pm - I've had to completely change my mindset for this man and see things from a different perspective for him, he knows and appreciates that and I'll always do it for him. In no way do I ever... (view)
Fri 2 Jun, 2017 05:55 pm - Wow "lol" some heavy words for someone who does not know the entire situation. All my husband receives from me is support for anything he does. My concern was based on the content and I... (view)
Fri 2 Jun, 2017 05:52 pm - Good thing you're not my husband then and good thing he is very understanding. You do not understand the workings of our relationship or my love for him or the entire situation for that matter... (view)
Sat 27 May, 2017 03:06 pm - Oh yes these things are always there. We've already been married over a year his mom and dad are wonderful great so accepting. It helps that I look indian I think haha and I've always... (view)
Sat 27 May, 2017 03:01 pm - Haha poetry is not hard :P my 8th graders can do it anyone can do it lol I'm not trying to undermine him, i just wanna know that he's ok it's the content that worries me. I believe... (view)
Sat 27 May, 2017 02:21 pm - I just stumbled upon a really depressing poem my husband wrote about saying sorry to his family, bffs, girlfriends, friends, etc. in it he describes how sorry he is to all and that this sorrow eat... (view)
Fri 12 May, 2017 04:36 pm - My goodness I just checked my fb messenger today...apparently my now ex best friend told my ex boyfriend that I had seen all the messages and since then my ex boyfriend has left about 20 messages... (view)
Tue 9 May, 2017 03:47 pm - I told my husband that same day no problem ^_^ I couldn't be dishonest with him! It was just a moment of shock and confusion. It's all gone and taken care of didn't respond and not... (view)
Sat 6 May, 2017 02:48 pm - Well obviously haha I didn't know he had done this! Needless to say I'm definitely putting him at a distance now :/ sad sad sad (view)
Fri 5 May, 2017 07:57 pm - The kicker I just found out in all of this is that my best friend, Jon, knew about this! I text him to get his advice on the matter and he just told me! My best friend lives in the same city my ex... (view)