Oh Your Max has just turned 4???
Oh what absolute JOY you have in
store for the 2 of you; (as if you had
not already tasted this sweet fruit) of
enjoying some very good things together,
whether it be food, a book, a painting,
music, the ballet, and as they grow -
fears, dreams, hopes, wonders - the
topics grow in intensity & scope
and then -
One day, they are talking to
someone else instead of you.
You think that your heart will
die of sadness....but then, as
time goes by, you see that
they always come round
again, for some more
of what together you found
not so very long before.
May you have the time of your
lives together Max & Max's Dad.
I certainly did. I have 3 daughters
and they are with me still. Sure, so
they now are married, with families
children, responsibilities. I had so much
hoped for them to find this in their lives,
as I had.