Thu 12 Jul, 2007 12:33 pm
I woke up today and am urinating blood. I mean my urine is practically all blood. My doctor wants to see me at 4:00. I have no pain or output problems so I don't know what. Hopefully just an infection.
Yikes. Did you fall down or get hit with anything in your kidney area? I had this happen once - as a teenager, when I went skiing drunk off my ass and wiped out big time. By that evening I was peeing red.
Oh man. Serious spooky.
Fingers crossed for a happy prognosis.
Yes, hope the doc says it's something harmless. Do let us know.
cjhsa wrote:Yikes. Did you fall down or get hit with anything in your kidney area? I had this happen once - as a teenager, when I went skiing drunk off my ass and wiped out big time. By that evening I was peeing red.
that's what I'm hoping. July 4th. I was being towed on the lake at 55, 60 MPH. we were actually joking about it calling it the kidney buster. IO also ride my bike every day and get joustled. Because I have no serious pain, justr some lower back discomfort I'm hoping it's that or just an infection.
Oh, man! Best of luck on this...
Sounds bad enough to me to me, even if it is only an infection. Did I say only? If it's bicycle related, which I doubt, puleese don't tell me about it.
PS go direct to urologist, unless you absolutely must have a referral
Definitely not good. Hopefully it's something easily treatable. Let us know how it goes at the doc's.
I hope you're just peeing hemoglobin.
It can happen if you rupture red blood cells. Bongo players get it.
Thinking of you...keep us posted.
Take care of yourself, Bear!
Oy, bear. Hoping for the best.
take care of yourself
Sending good thoughts....
Crossing fingers, toes, and other things that it's nothing serious.
how strange
best of luck
keep us in formed
Hope everything turns out alright.