Lightweight bedsheets

Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 09:33 am
I really really don't like the stiff, heavy high-thread count sheets that are all the rage. I'm looking for something light - in the neighborhood of 100-150 or so.

Also, I really really like flat sheets, finding that the fitted ones leave much too much material for wrinkling, since my mattress isn't two feet thick.

Any ideas where I can get sheets that fit these requirements?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,219 • Replies: 26
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 09:41 am
I bought some bamboo (yes, really, bamboo) sheets for Mo's bed and I love them! They are light weight and very, very soft.

I found them a Bed, Bath and Beyond and they were inexpensive compared to most other sheets.

You should check them out!
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 09:43 am
Oooooh, yeah, bamboo! It's also a sustainable crop - much better, environmentally, than cotton.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 09:49 am
I'm wearing a bamboo top right now. Lightweight - but warmer than an equivalent weight of cotton t.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 10:56 am
I've found that several mattress pads bulk up skinny mattresses.

Also old contour sheets sag and bag just the way I do.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:05 am
I put a "topper" on my mattress. The fitted sheets were too short. I bought sheets that were meant for deep mattresses, and they are a problem. They are so deep, that when I wash them, invariably some other item gets caught in the corner of the sheet, and comes out damp.

I have ordered another mattress that is going to be deeper. One of my pet peeves, is that most sheets are sold in "sets". I do not use a top sheet. I have blanket covers that are older than most of the members on A2K. I will use them until they fall apart. Therefore, most of the sheet sets are useless to me.

You cannot buy blanket covers any more. They do have "duvet covers" (whatever the hell they are) but those are not meant for covering thin blankets, only quilts. They would be much too large.

If anyone knows any place that still sells blanket covers, please let me know. I would be very grateful, as my blanket covers are getting thinner by the week.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:09 am
Why do you think duvet covers (we call them comforter covers or quilt covers) would be too large?

We have several sets from IKEA and rotate out what is in them according to season -- thick down comforters in the winter, thinner ones in the fall/ early spring, and then "quilts" (really not much more than blankets) in the summer. They all fit pretty well.

A selection from IKEA:

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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:10 am
Better link:

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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:15 am
I think blanket covers are sold under the word "coverlet" or "bedspead" now. You don't put a blanket inside one but use one to cover your blankets to finish your bed. Is that what you mean, Phoenix?

Mo has a bunkbed so the matress is pretty thin. His sheets don't seem too baggy so I investigated -- they have elastic all the way around which must be what keeps them snug.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:33 am
boomer- I mean one that you put a blanket IN. Years ago they were made with ties, later zippers.

soz- We use very thin blankets in Florida. I think that a duvet cover, even in the correct size, would have much too much material.

I have been looking all over the net, but to no avail. I thought that I had hit paydirt when I found a guy on the lower east side of NY who was selling seersucker blanket covers (just like my grandma had). Anyhow, it turned out that this blanket cover went over the blanket, not around it.

A few years ago I bought a bunch of flat sheets.I thought that I could make up blanket covers myself. The sheets are still sitting in the closet. Sad
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 11:48 am
Phoenix wrote:
boomer- I mean one that you put a blanket IN. Years ago they were made with ties, later zippers.

That describes a comforter cover (or duvet cover or quilt cover) pretty much exactly. Not sure what you mean by too much material. The "quilt" we use in the summer is between 1/8 and 1/4 inch thick. The covers themselves are made from a variety of fabrics, including very thin and soft fabrics suitable for summer.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:17 pm
soz- I really have to take a better look. All the ones that I have seen loook like so much "stuff". As I was looking, I saw something on ebay that made me drool.

Ad for blanket cover.

This is the kind of thing that I want. Problem is, the size is wrong, and I need two of them.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:20 pm
Notice that she calls it a duvet cover in the description. I really think that it's a matter of changing terminology rather than a changing THING. They often display 'em with big ol' puffy comforters but that doesn't mean that they'll only accommodate big puffy comforters. They're basically just two sheets sewn together.

Anyway, hope that you will be able to connect with the ___ cover of your dreams, whether through eBay or IKEA or Bed Bath and Beyond or your local Target (from the eBay link, you may really like their Shabby Chic collection). :-)
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:22 pm
soz- Did you notice the price tag in one of the pictures? It originally sold for $4.64. Sad
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:26 pm

Thrift stores are good, too.

IKEA quilt covers go for 20-30 bucks, which is really good (especially for the quality -- which is high), but looks like most of them are available only in stores. Is there one near you?

Here's a Simply Shabby Chic example, it's not so cheap though (another one was similar and half the price):


Sets are usually the cover plus 1 pillowcase with a twin, and 2 pillowcases with queen + up.

As boomer says, Bed Bath and Beyond often has good stuff too, and you can sign up on their website to get a 20% off coupon in the mail.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:30 pm
soz- I had never heard of the term, "shabby chic" before. I learn something new every time I go on A2K. There is no Ikea near me, although I heard that they are building one in Tampa soon. I do have a Bed, Bath and Beyond in my area. I will have to take a look.
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 12:37 pm
"Simply Shabby Chic" is a brand at Target -- it's a general phrase too though.

And I will now conclude my impression of a personal shopper. ;-) (Man, that'd be fun...)
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 01:53 pm
Lightweight bedsheets
I'm fascinated!

How is it for washing? Does it require any special handling?

But I too buy only flat sheets - when I can get them. Who needs four million pillowslips, anyway?
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 02:12 pm
If you're asking about the bamboo sheets they wash up just like anything else but with less wrinkles!
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Reply Sun 8 Jul, 2007 04:23 pm
Reading through this thread I'm thinking we need some kind of Jack Sprat club where we can split sheet sets and other items.
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