Thanks for posting those great pics, snood!
Chiming in with Jane in saying what an nice couple you make :-D
Thanks for the pics and congrats again :-D
Thanks for the pics, I love that stuff.
Seems like it was a nice, laid-back, happy event. I like Cheryl's summery dress.
Were your family standing up a level or are they all really that tall? Your sister looks like she's almost as tall as you in that picture.
Congratulations on your nuptials!
Hope springs eternal
Thanks for posting those pix. What a happy event!
I identify strongly with couples who found one another later in I just found my sweety a short while ago. We're at a preliminary stage, but I have strong hopes for it to be permanent, though I'm 56, I probably am a lot older than you...Hope springs eternal.
Hey Snood, you're a tall one! Are you over 6' 3"? Your wife looks to be about 5ft 6in., or a guess?
I think snood must be close to twenty feet tall.
(At least in my estimation.)
The best of luck to both of you. You may not need it, but it helps.
LionTamerX wrote:I think snood must be close to twenty feet tall.
I heard it was more like 28.
Congratulations by the way!!!
Great piccies! You guys look really nice together-- cute couple, plus you both just look like nice people

Love Cheryl's dress!
Thanks for taking time out to post the pics, Snood, we REALLY wanted the chance to ooh and aah. Get on back to, er, enjoying each others' company, just ignore all of us standing out here in the hall, listening at the door and cheering you on.
More 'stuff'...
Me and a bunch of my friends right after the ceremony...
Mom acting silly with sister and niece at the reception...
Three of my favorite people, George, Paul and Ruthie (with Ruthie's kid)...
snood is 6'7", y'all. Fantastic pictures, buddy. Cheryl is lovely as are all who attend weddings.
Love the photographs, Snood. What a
handsome, happy looking bunch you all are!
It's very nice of you to allow us to share your happiness.
Wonderful pics, snood. Thanks for sharing.
Continued best wishes to you both.
Everyone looks wonderful and happy.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
Made me tear up a little at work.
jespah wrote:Made me tear up a little at work.

Why is that?? I had the same reaction. Must be all those happy faces!
I'm a bawler at weddings, if I don't watch it. That was a real problem at my brother's wedding, as RP and I were holding up the chuppah (canopy; we were holding up two of the four poles).
no tears here, just a big smile. great to see the big day. as just about everyone else said - great looking couple!
Everybody looks happy and relaxed -- the way it should be! Thanks for posting the photos snood.